07: My Hardest Goodbye

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My Hardest Goodbye

TW// Mentions of death

All I Want by Kodaline
"When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone, without you by my side"

All I Want by Kodaline"When you said your last goodbyeI died a little bit insideI lay in tears in bed all nightAlone, without you by my side"

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4 days later

Slipping on her loose, black, short sleeve dress, Blair couldn't help but feel empty. A piece of her heart had been ripped out, never to be replaced.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes staring back at her, holding no life. Her hair was twisted at the sides, pinned back into a low bun. Her entire lower arm was wrapped in a white bandage. She couldn't recall getting it examined, once she heard the news about Riley, life seemed to move in slow motion. Nothing was real; everything was one big blur.

She had barely spoken to anyone in the past few days. Everyone was grieving in their own ways, but it was clear Blair was hit the hardest. Blair couldn't bring herself to speak to anyone, specifically Hotch. He had tried to reach out a few times, but he knew she needed space, especially since they didn't leave off on the best terms.

Blair was never one to handle trauma well. She couldn't handle anything. Deep down she knew Aaron was right, and the rest of the team thought the same. Blair had basically taken a gun to Riley's head and pulled the trigger. It was her fault he was dead.

Everyone knew how close the two were, and little did Blair know, no one actually thought it was her fault. Well, only one person did.

Silence filled the car as she drove herself to the funeral. She didn't want to see her team, see Riley's family, but she had face them eventually. She parked the car and took a deep breath before getting out and walking the few feet to the ceremony.

The team was already gathered in a circle, talking amongst themselves. Their conversation ceased when they saw Blair. They all stared at her, looks of pity filling all of their faces. Blair bit her lip as she decided against approaching them. Instead, she met the Coopers at the table they were seated at.

"Blair," Mr. Cooper softly smiled, pulling her into a delicate hug.

"Hi, Mr. Cooper. I'm extremely sorry for your loss," Blair nearly whispered, not wanting her voice to crack.

Mrs. Cooper hugged her next. They had only met a few times before, but Riley's parents were well aware of the relationship between Riley and Blair, and they knew how hard it was effecting her.

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