03: Drunk On You

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Drunk On You

TW// Mentions of sexual acts (kinda idk- no smut sorry lol)

Talking Body by Tove Lo
"The feeling of your skin locked in my head"

The next day was spent lounging around all day, at least until around 4:00 pm, when Blair's phone started to ring

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The next day was spent lounging around all day, at least until around 4:00 pm, when Blair's phone started to ring. Aaron removed his arm from around Blair to pause the show they were watching. Jack sat in front of the coffee table, staring closely at the cartoon he picked.

"Hello?" Blair answered.

"Hey, sweet cheeks, the teams going out to Lenny's to get drinks tonight, you and Hotch in?"

Blair bit her lip with a smirk, glancing at Hotch who gave her a confused look. "Of course, we'll be there."

"Awesome, meet us at 9:00."

"See ya then!" Blair ended the call before leaning back against Aaron, allowing him to resume the show for Jack and put his arm back around her.

"Do we have a case? Why didn't JJ call me?" He began to question.

Blair let out a giggle, "No, that was actually Derek."


"Yup, everyone is going to Lenny's later and so are we."

Hotch raised a brow, "On a Sunday night?"

"Oh, come on!" Blair whined, "It'll be fun!"

He sighed, "I don't know, Jo..."

Blair loved it when he called her by her middle name. She wasn't sure why, but it gave the familiar swirling feeling of butterflies flying in her stomach every time. Aaron also loved having the nickname for her, he thought it was the prettiest name in the world; Blair Jo Addams.

"Pleaseeeee?" Blair batted her eyelashes, puffing her bottom lip out, "For me?"

He huffed, "Fine, but only because I love you," he kissed the side of her cheek and she immediately dropped the innocent act.

She squealed before quickly placing a kiss on his lips, jumping off the couch, kissing Jack on the top of his head, and grabbing her messenger bag.

He looked at her, confusion written all over his face from her eagerness, "Where are you going?"

"Em's- or JJ's, maybe Penelope's," she shrugged.

Aaron let out a chuckle before standing to walk her to front door, "I'll see you later, text me when you get to-" he paused, "wherever it is you are going."

Blair rolled her eyes, "Okay, dad." Aaron's eyebrows rose and she quickly sent a wink his way before exiting the house.

He followed her out of the house and stepped out onto the porch watching her get in her car, "Love you!" He shouted before she had the chance to drive away.

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