15: Breaking Point

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Breaking Point

TW// Depictions of physical abuse

Experience by Ludovico Einaudi

As Blair prepared herself to meet with Peter, her nerves only grew

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As Blair prepared herself to meet with Peter, her nerves only grew. She stood in the bathroom alone, staring at the reflection before her. It was like she couldn't even recognize herself. Her hair was down, something she'd never do previously. The past weeks had put a toll on her mentally, causing the eye bags to appear more darker than normal. She looked drained, almost like a zombie.

Was this a mistake? No, Peter won't do any harm, right? It's been years, he must have improved himself by then, right? Was the team right? Should another member be going to him? She was the most vulnerable, but she was correct, this had to be done by Blair and Blair only.

Her worries only put her in a foul mood once again, which was not best for the confrontation about to occur. Of course she was forced to reconnect with her abusive ex now, right after she lost her best friend and boyfriend. Blair's life truly did suck in the moment, and she just wanted everything to return to normal, but nothing was ever normal in Blair's life.

After much preparation, it was time. Blair was a nervous wreck, but she concealed her emotion to the best of her abilities as she approached the awaiting Peter at his hotel. Garcia had tracked Blair's phone, just in case anything went south, but Blair refused an earpiece, which the team yet again disagreed with.

With three loud knocks on his door, Blair made her presence noted.

Peter opened the door with an already sinister smile on his face, like he had some sort of plan, catching Blair off guard again. Seeing his face made Blair's entire body tense up, maybe this wasn't the best of ideas she had.

Her heart race quickened, stepping into his hotel room, "Hello, Peter," she greeted flatly, being the first to speak.

"So now you are willing to talk, huh? Or is there something else you want?" Peter asked, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Cut the crap, Peter. I'm not staying for long. Just answer my questions and we can both leave each other for good," Blair stated, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Woah now, who said I wanted to be out of your life for good?" Peter quipped, taking a step closer to Blair who didn't move.

Blair took note of how his responses were always answered in the form of more questions. He was trying to assert dominance, but Blair wouldn't allow it. She rolled her eyes, cutting straight to the point "Why are you here, Peter?"

"I just wanted to see you," he responded, taking another step towards Blair.

"That's bullshit! Tell me why, Peter. I know you've been following me. Don't act like you thought I didn't know either," Blair began to raise her voice.

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