06: Anticipation

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TW// Death & Angst
*DISCLAIMER* This chapter contains the prologue, but do not skip! I have changed/added some parts in between, before, and after!

Broken by Lifehouse
"I'm falling apart
I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's barely beating"

Broken by Lifehouse"I'm falling apartI'm barely breathingWith a broken heart that's barely beating"

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After what felt like an eternity of walking, Blair successfully returned to the crime scene. From her lungs not getting the proper oxygen, the burn on her arm, and her legs, Blair's whole body felt like it was on the verge of failing.

At this point, the fire was under control, and there was a significant less amount of people. Not recognizing anyone, she approached an officer who threw Larder in the back of his car, locking it shut.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where my team is?" Blair asked.

"Oh, uhm, sweetie, they just left about five minutes ago for John Hopkins. One of yours-" the officer paused, not knowing how to tell the distracted agent the news, "He wasn't in the best condition."

Blair's heart skipped a beat, and not in the good way. It sank to her stomach, and suddenly, she wasn't worried about her body anymore. What did she mean he wasn't in the best condition? Rossi? Reid? Morgan? Cooper? Hotch?

Oh, god- Hotch.

Blair wouldn't know what to do with herself if it were Aaron the officer was talking about. Not wanting to accept that thought right now, Blair managed to croak, "Could one of your officers take me there, please?"

The officer nodded, signaling one of her colleagues over to help Blair. Blair and the second officer got into the cop car and began to drive to the hospital.

As Blair sat down, she felt her legs silently thank her. Her throat cried for water, and her lungs were still recouping from the lack of oxygen. The burn on her arm was deep, and had numerous specks of dirt and gravel lodged in between. Blair knew it had to have been infected, but she couldn't bother with the pain right now. Her only worry being on her team.

When they arrived, the officer dropped her at the front door.

Blair ran through the hospital doors, frantically looking for her friends. To her luck, she was surrounded by strangers; more people she'd never seen before.

To those strangers, she probably looked insane. Her once white blouse was practically grey from the copious amount of charcoal. Her face was sticky from all the sweat, along with ash stains covering her body. Her normally well-kept hair was in shambles, falling out of its high pony tail and sticking to the sides of her face.

"Ma'am, are you hurt? Do you need assistance? A nurse timidly approached.

"Uh, I-" Blair couldn't form a proper sentence. Her breathing was staggered, her lungs continuing to scream.

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