13: When Worlds Collide

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When Worlds Collide

Rescue by Lauren Diagle
"I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you."

At the crisp hour of two in the morning, Penelope Garcia lay fast asleep in her bedroom, comforted by her plum purple blanket

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At the crisp hour of two in the morning, Penelope Garcia lay fast asleep in her bedroom, comforted by her plum purple blanket. That is, until she was abruptly awoken by a drunken phone call from Blair.

"Blair?" Garcia answered, her brain not fully functioning at this hour.

"Heyyyyy, Penny G," Blair slurred.

Blair's intoxication caught Garcia's attention, "B, are you drunk? Hotch has been calling me all night! He's extremely worried about you."

Completely ignoring her message about Hotch, Blair began on her unconscious tangent, "Blah, blah, blah, Pen, I need you to listen to me here, girl. So like, don't kill me, but you remember Peter? Yeah, well I saw him-"

"You what?" Penelope cut her off, suddenly growing worried for Blair's safety.

"I mean it's not a big deal or anything, he just wanted to talk," Blair shrugged, not thinking anything of the interaction anymore.

"Blair, are you serious?" Garcia asked, not knowing whether this was some sort of prank. Blair didn't respond, "Blair?"

Silence continued to strand out from the other line, "I'm calling Hotch. This is serious, and you clearly are not okay."

A faint snore was heard from Blair's side, along with a strand of muttered and incoherent words through a yawn saying, "Don't call that prick, he hates me. I'm really sleepy, Pen."

Garcia sighed, ending the call and quickly calling the rest of her team who was still in Baltimore. After alerting the team on Peter's return, the team immediately recognized what Blair failed to; they needed to protect Blair at all costs. Garcia rolled out of bed and quickly got ready for the day. She didn't mind the little to no sleep she got, her body was on high alert as she drove to headquarters.

Being the only member currently in Quantico, Garcia took matters into her own hands. Once she arrived, she instantly tracked Peter's location using his cars GPS system and his phone.

Due to the short plane ride, the rest of the team was just arriving back to the office building.

"What do we know?" Hotch asked, leading the pack straight into the conference room where Garcia awaited. His expression held nothing but anger, his eyebrows furrowed all the way to the bridge of his nose along with his lips tightly pursed.

Part of his guilty conscience wouldn't stop screaming at him saying, 'you had to profile her the day her abusive ex boyfriend comes back?' Of course Aaron felt bad not even considering Peter, but the bastard had to make it all worse.

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