09: Trust Your Instincts

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Trust Your Instincts

My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne
"We were meant to be,
Supposed to be,
But we lost it"

My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne"We were meant to be,Supposed to be,But we lost it"

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The jet ride home was more than full of tension. Not a single word was spoken between anyone. They could all feel the anger radiating off of their boss. Everyone sat in silence, doing their own thing.

Reid sat on the couch, his face buried in his book. On the opposite end of the couch sat JJ, who was trying to take a power nap, resting on her elbow.

Rossi and Hotch sat across from each other, each staring intently at the different files in front of them.

Prentiss was in the back, making herself a cup of coffee.

Finally, Blair sat in the singular seat, hugging her knees that were tucked into her chest. Her face hidden in between her knees.

"You okay?" Emily asked, tapping the top of Blair's head.

"I'm fine," Blair stated, not even looking up. Prentiss shrugged it off and went to sit next to JJ on the couch.

When they arrived back to headquarters, all other agents had cleared out, leaving the BAU team alone in the bullpen. Hotch declared Strauss had been on his ass recently, and all must stay until their paperwork was completed.

"Geez, what's his problem?" JJ asked.

"You heard him, Strauss just wants the paperwork done," Emily shrugged, setting her bag atop of her desk.

"Right," Blair started sarcastically, "That's it."

Everyone gave her a confused look, not totally certain at what she was getting at.

As soon as Blair took a seat, Hotch spoke from the landing leading to his office, "Addams, my office, now."

Blair huffed, standing as quickly as she sat down.

"Good luck with that," Morgan teased, kicking his feet onto his desk.

Blair walked calmly to his office. Although she appeared fine on the outside, she was fuming on the inside. Due to their unresolved issues, the two had been completely relentless, not willing to accept the others opinion.

She entered his office, not even bothering to knock, which only ticked him off further. She slammed the door shut, causing him to scoff as she made her way in front of his desk; arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"  Blair asked innocently, provoking him to initiate the dreaded conversation.

"Take a seat," he demanded, trying to prove his dominance.

"I think I'll be fine standing," Blair retorted, not wanting to listen to his orders.

"Take a seat, Blair," he repeated, this time mimicking the way she had spoken only moments before.

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