Touchdown- Darry Curtis

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"Hey (Y/N)!" Johnny asked excitedly. "Would you wanna play football with us today?" You thought for a moment. You weren't exactly good- or even okay at football. "Don't worry, we'll take it easy on you." Soda assured, seeing your hesitation. You shrugged. What was the worst that could happen? "Okay, sure." The gang cheered and ran out the door and to the lot.

"Okay," Darry twirled the football in his hands. "Pony, you're on Johnny. Soda'll take Steve, then Two's on Dally, and I'll take (Y/N)." Soda looked at him warily. "Darry," he said carefully, "are you sure that's the best idea?" Johnny nodded softly. "Yeah, maybe Pony or I should take 'em. We're a whole lot smaller than you, Dar."

Darry just smiled confidently. "I know what I'm doing," he turned to you. "I can make sure you don't get hurt." The gang exchanged glances. It made sense, after all, since Darry was the only one who had ever really played football. "Alright," Dal said, catching the ball from Darry. "Let's play!" Dally yelled.

You were on a team with Johnny, Steve and Dally, and you were the receiver. Dally launched the ball in your direction. You jumped up to catch it, before being swept off your feet. With a small grunt, you hit the soft grass and giggled. Darry was kneeling over you, on his hands and knees so that you wouldn't get hurt. "Is my princess alright?" He asked with a slight laugh. "Yeah, she's fine." He grinned as you leaned up and kissed him. "Next time I won't take it so easy on you, Superman." You hopped to your feet and winked. He picked you up and twirled you around. "Oh yeah? Is that so?" You laughed some more before you said "Sure is!" He just looked at you and smiled.

"Let's go lovebirds!" Two Bit joked. "We've got a game to play!"

Who knew you would wind up loving playing football with the gang?

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