Cheater- Dallas Winston

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TW: cheating, mentions of abuse

Your hair looked absolutely perfect, your makeup was stunning, and you loved this outfit. Everything was going right today. Well, you thought so at least.

You walked into Buck's, looking for your boyfriend, Dallas Winston. Right about now, he should be meeting you here with a kiss and a drink, but you didn't see him anywhere.

That is, until you turned around and saw a handsome young man with dark brown hair locking lips with some blonde girl. You didn't have anywhere else to go. You walked up to Dallas' room heartbroken. You were too upset to notice his eyes following you as you walked up the stairs.

"Hey babydoll." He kissed your cheek and sat beside you. He wasn't even drunk. That made your heart ache even more. "Hi," you said quietly, before rubbing your thumb across the ruby red spot on his cheek. "What's this?" You questioned halfheartedly, knowing full well what it was. That was the lipstick from the girl he was kissing. You didn't know, maybe it would make you feel better to hear him confess.

"Oh that? Uh." You bit your lip to keep tears from falling. "I saw you kissing that girl, Dal."

This is what everyone had warned you about when you started dating him. They said that Dallas Winston was a heartbreaker, but you didn't believe them. You couldn't. You saw a side to him that nobody else ever could: soft, sweet and gentle.

"I'm so sorry babe." He winced slightly before looking up at you in surprise. "Aren't you gonna yell at me?" You weren't angry, just hurt. Besides, yelling never solved anything anyways. "No," you fidgeted with your fingers and felt a few teardrops trickle from your eyes. The two of you sat there in silence, each unsure of what to say to the other, before he finally spoke.

"Please, I can't take this anymore." His voice sounded almost as if he were about to cry. "Just yell at me, yell at me, please. You should be screaming right now. You should be slapping me and storming out. I want you- I need you to yell at me."

Instead, you did just the opposite. You pulled Dallas into a soft hug, nuzzling your face into his neck. Even after he cheated, Dallas Winston was the only one you wanted to hold on to, the only one who kept you from crying, whose mere presence assured you that everything would be okay. "I could never yell at you, Dallas."

For some reason, you knew that was the truth. You didn't know why, but you weren't angry with him. You just couldn't bring yourself to get mad at him.

You looked up at him suddenly when you heard his soft sniffles. "How can you be so perfect?" He was crying now. "I just broke your heart, I know I did, and yet you're still here, holding me like I ain't done nothing wrong." He pulled away and cradled your hand in his. "Hit me, I'm begging you. I can take the shouting, and the hitting, but this? This is so much worse." You brushed your free hand lovingly across his face. "What do you mean Dal?"

He let out a shaky breath. "Now I know for sure that I've hurt the most beautiful doll in the whole world. Oh dammit (Y/N), why won't you hit me?"

"Dallas," he brushed his tears off with the back of his hand. "I'm not gonna hit you. I don't care how mad you might make me, I would never hurt you." You sighed, knowing the question you were about to ask would only leave you in more heartache. But you needed to know. "I just wanna know why."

It was pretty obvious why. She was prettier, she was more outgoing, she was everything you weren't.

That's why his answer surprised you.

"Because I was afraid."

You knit your eyebrows together. "Huh?" "I was afraid." He repeated. "I love you, so much. You're beautiful, amazing, smart, talented, just... perfect." Your cheeks got rosy. "I'm not stupid, (Y/N), I know it's only a matter of time before you realize that I'm just a dirty hood who breaks hearts. And when you leave-" he choked back a sob. "When you leave I don't know what I'll do with myself."

He exhaled deeply. "I can feel myself getting attached to you. Too attached. I guess I just felt like I needed to try to forget about you so it'll hurt less when you're gone. When you say goodbye."

You stared at him in disbelief, a wave of sympathy washing over you. In that moment, you didn't see the tuff, cool Dallas Winston, or the sweet and charming Dallas either. What you saw here was completely different. You saw a boy, a scared boy who had been left by everyone he's ever loved. Anyone he'd ever begun to care about had abandoned him. And you were not about to be one of those people.

"Dallas Winston," you assured, "I am never going to leave you, okay? In fact I plan to marry you someday." He gave you a gentle but passionate kiss. "I am never going to pull another stupid stunt like that again, I promise. I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Dallas." And you knew you always would.

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