[Insecure] Gang Preference

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How the gang reacts to you getting insecure
(Possible tw: self degradation, body image)
I wrote these in the order I thought of them lol the order for the boys is

You stood in front of the mirror, twisting and turning in dismay. Why did you have to look like this? You couldn't stand it. You cried softly, covering your eyes with your hands. Your boyfriend had invited you to come and spend a day at the beach with him. You had said yes, you adore the beach. Who doesn't?  The soft sand, the clear water, the hot sun, the beach was wonderful. But the bathing suits? Less wonderful. This was your first time going to the beach with him. What would he think of how you look? You only ever wore loose clothing, but your bathing suit was the opposite of loose. "You all ready to go?" He asked, with a smile from ear to ear. He was wearing floral shorts, sandals and sunglasses. He looked so good, you didn't deserve him. You frantically grabbed for your cover up. "No, I cant go." You whispered, avoiding his gaze. "Why, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice now filled with concern. "I look terrible!" You screamed. "I'm so ugly!"

Dallas: "Yeah, and I'm the prince of Denmark." He said with a laugh, before noticing that you didn't find his wisecrack half as funny as he did. "You're not serious, are you?" The smirk left his face, replaced with a saddened look. He walked over to you and put his hands on your waist, admiring your reflection."All I see is a mighty fine doll." He gestured to the mirror with a nod. "You are the most beautiful being I have ever seen, and I'll kill anyone who tries to tell you different." He sounded dangerously serious. You smiled as he kissed your cheek. "Dallas Winston, for such a jerk you sure know how to make me feel special." You giggled. He laughed and kissed you again. "That's my job, baby."

Two Bit: "Come on darling, you know that ain't true." He said sadly. "It is and you know it!" You sobbed. He shifted uncomfortably. Two had never been too good at saying the right things when people cried. He was a man of action. Suddenly his eyes got wide. He had a brilliant idea. "Stay right here, I'll be right back." He grabbed one of the bathing suits you had discarded to the floor and bolted out. You curiously peaked out when you heard him yelling various curses and jumping up and down. He walked back in, wearing your teal bikini proudly. You immediately erupted into a fit of giggles. "Two Bit Matthews, what are you doing?" He grinned. "Now you and I look the same, so if you're mean to yourself then you're being mean to me too." You giggled again as he cupped your cheeks. "You're so sweet, Two." "Are you ready to go now?" He asked excitedly. "Yeah, but you really don't have to wear that if you don't want to." He twirled around. "I don't know, I think I look pretty." You kissed him and said, "You do look pretty babe."

Steve: "Shoot, I was just about to tell you how pretty you look." He dug the ball of his foot into the ground. "Stop lying to me!" You turned your face away from his. "No, really! Baby I think you're pretty as a picture and I'll prove it to you." "How, Steve?" You snapped back. "How could you possibly prove that?" He looked you over. "Take off your cover up, let me see my girl." Wondering how that would prove anything, you hesitantly slipped the fabric off, but not before covering your body with your arms. He raised his eyebrows and gave you a dissatisfied look. Slowly, you put your arms down. "Wow," he said, completely and utterly entranced. He took your hands and placed them on his cheeks. His face was burning hot. "Cant you feel how much I'm blushing, (Y/N)? This is what you do to me. Lord, I can't be lying when I say I've got the prettiest doll in the whole world standing right in front of me." You leaned forward to kiss him. "I'm sorry I snapped at you Stevie." "It's alright sweetheart," he assured, giving you another kiss. "Steve Randle, what would I ever do without you?" You gave him a sweet grin as he laughed. "Gee, I don't know. But lucky for you baby, I ain't never gonna let you find out."

Sodapop: "Look at me," he whispered. He put one hand on your waist, and the other he used to lift your chin. His sweet smile was filled with sympathy as he kissed you gently. "There's something I want you to do for me, okay?" You nodded, sniffling. "Shut your eyes. I'm gonna be your eyes, since yours aren't working right no more." Another tear slipped as you shut your eyes. You felt Soda move behind you, and put his hands over your eyes. "Right now, we're standing in your bedroom. There's a bed, a nightstand, and a closet filled with more of my flannels than I think even I have." You chuckled lightly. "And right now, I am standing in front of the prettiest girl to ever walk the earth. She's got a beautiful face, beautiful hair, and a beautiful body too. She's pretty all over, inside and out." He kissed you again, before he put his arms down, signaling you could open your eyes. "We don't have to go to the beach if you don't want to, but I do need you to try and see yourself the way I see you." He said as you turned to face him. "I love you, Sodapop Curtis." You kissed him and smiled. "I love you too, beautiful."

Darry: "Don't you ever say that again, do you understand me?" His voice shook with something between anger and sadness. "I don't ever want to hear you spewing that nonsense again." He took a step closer to you, his expression softening as he brushed away your tears. He rubbed your shoulders. "Ain't nobody allowed to talk bad about my love, and that includes you." You smiled slightly, before letting out a defeated sigh. "I just-" "sh," he put his finger to your lips. "Unless you're saying something about how pretty you look," he shifted to a higher pitch, like a mean teacher when he said "I don't want to hear it." You laughed as you kissed him. "Darrel Curtis, I sure do love you." He kissed you again with a smile. "I love you too, which is why I cant have you acting like this, not using your head." He chuckled lightly. "That is reserved for Ponyboy and Ponyboy only." You giggled, kissing him once more. "I'm ready to go now." He smiled. "Great! I'll start the truck, beautiful."

Ponyboy: "How many sunsets do you think we've seen together?" He asked, taking your hands. "A lot," you sniffled. "A lot, right?" He repeated. "Probably hundreds." He took a step closer to you and brushed your face with his hand lovingly. "But you know darling, I'd give them all up just to get to look at you. For none of them could ever shine as brightly as you." He gave you a soft peck. "You are beautiful, brilliant, radiant, stunning, heavenly, divine," with each lovely word he gave you a kiss. You tried hard to control your blushing. "I bet even Aphrodite herself is jealous of how gorgeous you are." You laughed slightly. "Careful, the last man who said that got his lover turned into a gorgon." Without skipping a beat, he smiled and said, "I bet even then you'd be breathtaking." You leaned forward and kissed him again. "Ponyboy Curtis, since when did you become such a poet?" He twirled you around. "Since I found the most beautiful doll in the world to write poems about."

Johnny: He held you tightly in his arms as you buried your face into his chest and sobbed. "Don't cry, please don't cry (Y/N), I don't like to see you upset. It makes me sad." He whispered, playing with your hair. "I'm sorry," you sniffled, pulling away to look at him. "It's just- I don't feel pretty enough for you." You turned your gaze to the floor. Johnny's eyes went wide with shock. "For me?" He repeated in disbelief. "But- but you're the prettiest doll in the whole world! If either of us is outshining the other, it's you, it ain't me." He took your hands and gave them a few soft kisses. "Even when we're old and gray, you're always going to be my beautiful angel. You saved me, (Y/N), you'll always be beautiful to me." You hugged him close. "I'll love you forever, Johnny Cade." His cheeks got rosy. "And I'll always love you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

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