Johnny Gets Drunk- Johnny Cade

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(a/n) look how sleepy he is aww 🥺
This imagine was inspired by a user that is unfortunately no longer on wattpad :(
This one is quite a bit longer
Stay Gold! 💛✨

The house was dark and quiet. You tiptoed into the kitchen to get a glass of water, carefully avoiding anyone's hands hanging off the couches. You were sleeping over at the Curtis', as was usual for a Saturday night. After a few minutes, you crept back over to the couch, craning your neck to look for Johnny and Dally. Dallas had taken Johnny to Buck's in an attempt to get your high-strung boyfriend to "loosen up a little." You weren't exactly in love with the idea, but after seeing how excited a night out partying with Dal made Johnny, you decided he should go. After all, what was the worst thing that could happen?

That seemingly harmless question quickly turned into your worst nightmare when you realized that Johnny and Dally were nowhere to be found. They should have been home by now, they promised they would be. What if they had been jumped? Or worse? You grabbed your jacket and slipped out the door, your mind racing with sickening possibilities as you made your way over to Buck's.

You knocked on the door and Buck answered, Hank Williams blaring from behind him. "Hey (Y/N), what's shaking?" "Not much, just thought I'd drop by." You replied, trying to keep your nerves under control. "Say, have you seen Johnny and Dally?" He stepped aside and gestured for you to come in. "Yeah, they're right over there." He pointed with a laugh. "Your boyfriend is sure having a good time!" You felt a wave of relief rush over you as you looked over to see Johnny, swinging his arms and jumping up and down. He was wearing the biggest smile you had ever seen, his cheeks red and his eyes glassy. Even though it was clear how tired he was, he was dancing to his heart's content. In his current state, he didn't have the common sense to stop.

You started to walk over to him, stifling your laughter at his bizarre yet adorable dance moves. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Dallas called over the music, walking up to you. You gave him a hard glare. "Making sure the two of you aren't dead! Do you know how late it is? It's three in the morning for crying out loud!" "I know, I'm sorry." He shifted his weight. "I meant to leave, I really did, but when I saw how much fun he was having-" both of you glanced over to the still bouncing, giggling Johnny. "I just couldn't bring myself to make him leave." Your expression softened, then turned to a grin. "Oh I get it, so you're making me be the bad cop." Dal shrugged and jokingly replied, "You did that to yourself, princess." You shoved him playfully and walked over to Johnny.

"(Y/N)!" He cheered, before hugging onto you excitedly. His voice was raspy from all the yelling he had been doing. "I'm so glad you're here! Now we can dance all night!" The music was loud, but even so he was screaming much louder than he needed to. "I don't think so, Johnnycake." He started to pout like a sad puppy. "Awww, why not?" "Because I have a much better idea." He looked at you skeptically. "What's that?" "You'll see." You teased. You didn't really have anything in mind, you were just peak his interest enough to get him to leave. You took his hand and led him outside. "Bye Dally!" Johnny called with a giggle. "Bye Johnny." Dally waved with a small chuckle.

"So what're we going to do?" Johnny asked as you walked down the sidewalk. Well, you walked. He was skipping. "I was thinking we could go over to the Curtis'."
"Can we watch TV?"
"Sure Johnny"
"Can we make brownies?"
"Whatever you want, I promise."
"The ones with the chocolate chips?"
"Of course, baby."

He started chanting "brownies! brownies!" before stopping suddenly to look at you in amazement. "Have I ever told you how pretty you look?" You nodded and blushed with a smile. Even drunk he was such a sweetheart. "I love you so much and I want everyone to know it!" He called out into the distance. "Hey everyone! This here is a special song I wrote for my special doll, (Y/N)." Johnny started to scream out the chorus of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles, a song which he definitely did not write.


"Johnny! Keep your voice down!" You scolded gently, trying your hardest not to laugh. His lower lip quivered. He looked at you as though he were about to cry. "You didn't like my song?" He pouted, looking like he would burst into tears at any second. "No baby, I loved it." You took his hand and rubbed it comfortingly. "I just don't think the neighbors liked it as much as I did." "Oh," he said, staring down at his feet. "I just wanted them to know how much I love you." You giggled a little. "Believe me Johnny, they know."

Johnny's energy dropped suddenly. He started to yawn constantly, and he was trailing in back of you more than he was before. "You tired, sweetheart?" He nodded. "Carry me." He tried to jump up onto your back koala style. He wasn't heavy, but he struck you by surprise, sending you tripping and falling into the sidewalk. "Ugh, that is really gonna hurt in the morning." You stood back up and swept him up bridal style. He linked his arms behind your head and nestled his face into the crook of your neck.

"It's just a little farther to Pony's house, I promise." You cooed. "Pony? What's he doing? Can we say hi to him?" He looked up at you hopefully as you neared the Curtis steps. "I'm sorry sweetheart but Pony's asleep." "Mm, sleep." He murmured. "That sounds nice."

You put your finger to your lips as you stood just outside the door. "We have to be quiet, okay? We don't want to wake anyone up." You whispered, setting him down. "Okay, I'll be quiet." He drew his fingers across his lips. "Lips zipped." "Good job."

You creaked the door open and stepped carefully inside, leading him upstairs and into a spare room. "Sit here," you said, gesturing to the bed. He jumped up, and you walked over to the TV. "What do you want to watch Johnny?" When he didn't answer, you turned around to find him curled up and already fast asleep. "Aww," you said to yourself, gently pulling off his converse. You pulled the blanket up to his chin and cuddled up next to him. "Night Johnnycake." You whispered, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.

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