How He Tells You- Preference

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Ponyboy: For a boy who famously doesn't use his head, Pony put a lot of thought into how he'd asked you out and needless to say it was absolutely adorable. You walked out of class one day and opened your locker to find a book, stuffed with flowers and a dainty silver necklace. Written on the front page of the Shakespeare classic was the simple, romantic question. "Will you be the Romeo to my Juliet? -Pony"
Of course, you ran without hesitation to find him and say yes :)

Johnny: Well, technically speaking, Johnny didn't really ever tell you he liked you. At least not on purpose anyways. You came over to the Curtis house one day after school to study with Pony when Dally waved for your attention. He gestured silently to Johnny, standing in front of the mirror in the other room. "He's practicing," Dally whispered with a light laugh. "Hey, Y/n," he took a deep breath and gripped the flower in his hand. "Listen, I- I like being your friend and all, but I like you, I mean I really like you. So I guess what I'm saying is, will you be my doll?" You approached him with a wide smile and took the flower from his grip. "Yes!" You beamed, giving him a small peck on the cheek and leaving him red as a cherry.

Dallas: From the moment you met him, Dallas would flirt with you non stop. It was almost as though he wanted to see just how riled up he could get you. But when he actually started to have feelings for you, he didn't flirt as often, or even at all. Conversations became few and far between. You thought that you might have done something wrong, did he not want you hanging around anymore? On one day when he was talking to just about every member of the gang except you, you had finally had it. You yelled in his face and stormed off, out the door. If you had only seen the look of worry and hurt he had on his face. He went after you immediately, asking what that was all about. In tears, you explained what you thought had happened between the two of you. He shook his head with a small smile. "No see, I just didn't know how to talk to you. I've never liked someone as much as you before, and I thought you deserved more respect than I knew how to treat ya with." You laughed and melted into his arms, kissing his cheek. "Dallas
Winston, you really are something else."

Soda: You and Soda had always been inseparable, the best of friends. Though you wished you could be more than just that. His movie star smile and wonderful personality had drawn you in, but you were certain he only saw you like a kid sister. Steve had told you once that Soda was crazy about you, but you had brushed it off. After all, Steve never liked you very much anyways and was more than likely trying to ruin your friendship with Soda. One day, the two of you were lying in the park, watching the clouds and dreaming about the future. "I'll have a house in the countryside, with plenty of horses and plenty of room to ride them. Maybe I'll be able to find Mickey Mouse's kid or something." You could listen to Soda rambling on all day, the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he loved was priceless. "A little cottage in the countryside, how does that sound?" "Perfect." You agreed. "We'll get married and move off out in the country." "Yea- wait what?" You blinked hard and wondered if you had heard him correctly. "God Y/n, I've been in love with you since we were six." You were at such a loss for words, you did the only thing that made sense to you. You leaned forward and kissed him. "You have no idea how long I've waited for that." He gasped, leaning in to kiss you again.

Darry: Darry really was the classic gentleman. The two of you were high school sweethearts, the it couple of Will Rogers High School. You were the head cheerleader, he was the star quarterback, it was something out of a classic romance movie. Both of you had come without dates, but he hadn't stopped staring at you all night. Finally, a slow, classy love song came on and he was able to work up the courage to approach you. He held out his hand with a smile. "May I have this dance, M'lady?" You obliged happily, and danced the rest of the night away. He still calls you M'lady every once in a while.

Steve: Sodapop Curtis was an almost perfect best friend. Almost. His only flaw being that that boy could not keep a secret to save his life. So when Steve let it slip that he had feelings for Y/n, he drove himself crazy with worry over what Soda would say. "Soda, you have to swear to me. Swear it on your life that you won't tell anyone, please. I like Y/n too much, I cant screw this up." "Okay, I swear it."
Soda only kept his promise for about 5 minutes before he ran gushing to tell you. You ran to the DX, and jumped up on the store counter to kiss Steve. "I love you too Steve Randle!" You smiled as he blushed like a cherry. Soda stood not far behind, with a huge beam on his face. Steve glared at him for spilling the beans, but his expression softened as soon as he looked into your gleaming eyes.

Two Bit: Two had always been the fun one of the gang, that's what made you fall head over heels for him. And when he confessed his feelings for you, he most certainly lived up to his fun nature. He had gone out for a drink at the Dingo, and you had gone out not long after. (With no shortage of teasing from the gang for going where Two was) As soon as you walked into the door, an upbeat, rocking love song came on the juke box. Two took this as a sign: this was the moment. He pulled you up on top of a table and danced with you, singing along with the song as you giggled. The song faded out and he stared deeply into your eyes. "Can I kiss you?" You nodded with a grin as he locked his lips with yours.

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