How You Kiss Him- Preference

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(A/N) The order for the boys for headcanons in this format will from now on be as follows:
-Two Bit

Ponyboy: Pony loves it when you kiss his neck. You love to cuddle up against him, watching the sunset, listening to him read and planting soft pecks on his neck. It makes him blush like crazy and mess up the words when he's reading to you. Sometimes you'll start to laugh at his stammering, and you'll only laugh harder when he starts to tickle you. He loves to hear you giggle.

Johnny: Johnny loves it when you kiss his hands. Johnny has a very complicated relationship with hands. He's been beaten enough times to know how much pain they can cause. But he also knows how gentle hands can be, when you dry his tears or play with his hair. When you kiss his hands, it's a reminder to him that he's not violent and aggressive like his parents, but soft and kind. It makes him smile. You love to hold his hands and kiss them, and he loves knowing that you trust him enough to hold his hands so close to your face.

Dallas: Secretly, Dally loves it when you kiss his cheeks. For such a tuff guy, he sure does blush. Being kissed on the cheek makes him feel like he's safe with you. He likes that he doesn't have to keep up his bad boy facade around you. Kissing his cheek will surely lead to his signature smirk and a whisper of sweet nothings in your ear.

Sodapop: Soda loves it when you kiss his forehead. If he's ever having a bad day, you'll bring his mood right back up with a kiss on his forehead. Any time you pass him sitting down, you'll slip a kiss there. It always makes him beam, and his signature movie star grin is always accompanied by an "I love you."

Darry: After a long, hard day at work, there is nothing Darry looks forward to more than you kissing his shoulders. You'll rub his back, planting soft pecks on his shoulders as you help him destress. This romantic gesture always makes him sigh happily and relax further into your arms.

Steve: Steve loves it when you kiss his chin. One day you saw he had somehow managed to get chocolate frosting on his chin and he had asked you to get it off. When he said that he didn't expect you to kiss it off. His whole face immediately turned bright red as you had caught him by surprise. Since then, when you kiss his chin it makes him blush every time without fail.

Two Bit: Two loves it when you kiss his jawline. Especially when he's drunk, kissing his jawline makes him giggle like crazy. Usually he winds up tickling you too, so that both of you laugh so hard you're in tears. Kissing his jawline leads to tickle fights almost every time, which you win easily since Keith is incredibly ticklish.

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