Confessions- Two Bit Matthews

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"Two," you said to your best friend with a giggle, "I think I'm in love."

"Oh?" He replied, his voice slightly hurt and clearly jealous. "With who?" You smiled dreamily as you thought about your crush. "He's absolutely perfect. Handsome, strong, funny, sweet." You sighed happily. "Well," Two said, slightly annoyed, "He sounds wonderful, just wonderful."

"Oh he is," you continued. "Gee, this guy could have me doubled over laughing in a second. You know there's nothing hotter than a guy with a sense of humor." Two raised his eyebrow. "Do I know this mystery guy?" You nodded. "Oh, you know him very well." He gave you a look you couldn't quite read, somewhere in between anger and curiosity. "Well, who is it?" You grinned, your cheeks no doubt turning rosy. "I cant tell you." He cursed and stamped his foot. "Come on (Y/N)! I'm your best friend! You're supposed to tell me everything!"

"I cant tell you his name, but I suppose I could tell you what he looks like." He rolled his eyes. "He's got the sweetest smile, and eyes that just sparkle." Two just scoffed. "Yeah, I bet." You could barely contain your laughter at this point, he was clueless, absolutely clueless.

"And he's got reddish brown hair with long sideburns that he keeps greased up, but a little piece always seems to fall onto his forehead." You continued. "And he wouldn't be caught dead in anything besides his favorite Mickey Mouse shirts."

"Wait, what?" He let out a nervous laugh. "Are you talking about-" "You know I guess I could tell you his name." You interrupted. "It's not like anyone even calls him Keith, we just call him Two Bit anyways."

"You b—-!"
A wild grin spread across his face as he laughed. "I thought you were talking about some other guy! I thought I'd been replaced!" You only scoffed as he had done earlier. "Now how could I ever replace you, Two?" He took your hands in his. "Don't scare me like that again, do you hear me?" He scolded playfully. "So I take it you like me too?" You asked shyly, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.

"Of course I do (Y/N)! Gosh, you're just perfect! How could I not be in love with you?" You leaned forward, giving him a sweet, passionate kiss.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that, Two Bit Matthews."

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