Pick up Lines- Ponyboy Curtis

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"Hey Juliet," he whispered, his soft, lush lips grazing your ear and sending a shiver down your spine. You didn't even need to see his face, there was only one person who could make you swoon like that. And only one person who called you Juliet. Your boyfriend, Ponyboy Curtis. "Hey Romeo," you greeted him as you closed your locker and slung your backpack over your shoulder. It was the end of another school week, and you and Pony were going to his house to do your homework before seeing the nightly double. You walked through the hallway, talking about your homework and the books you were reading. "Hey Pony," you said, interrupting him. "Hm?" "Could you do me a favor?" He shrugged. "Sure, what do you need?" "Could you hold something for me?" He glanced around the hallway at all the guys who were carrying two backpacks. One was theirs, the other their lover's. "Okay, sure." He shifted his backpack onto his left shoulder. "Gimme your-" "That's not what I meant." He looked at you, confused, as you gave him a shy grin. "I need you to hold... this." You slipped your hand into his, and laced your fingers with his. Pony's face turned bright red. "I um-" he used his free hand to cover his face, but his feverish blushing still peeked through. His ears were a fiery shade of scarlet against his lightly greased hair.

You continued walking out of the school, your hand still intertwined with his. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled to himself. "That was real smooth, ya know." He said, once you were outside. "I got pretty flustered back there, huh?" You laughed slightly. "You know I'm never gonna let you live this down, right?" He sighed playfully. "Yeah, I figured you w-" Pony suddenly tripped face first and slammed hard on the sidewalk, dragging you with him since you were still holding his hand. "Are you okay?" You tried to stifle your laughter. "I'm fine," he sat up and brushed off his knees. A wild grin spread across his face. "I just fell head over heels for you."

Now it was your turn to get flustered.

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