Car Trouble- Steve Randle

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"Aww, come on!" You growled, kicking the old mustang. "Piece of crap car!" You yelled out a string of curses and pounded on the hood, as if that would do anything.

"Need some help?" A voice from behind you asked with a slight chuckle. You turned around and saw a young man walking by. He was good looking, with dark brown hair and an eagle tattoo on his arm. "Stupid car won't start." You grumbled. "Mind if I take a look?" You gestured to the car. "Not at all, she's all yours."

The boy opened the hood and pulled on a few wires, before sitting in the driver's seat and turning the key. Sure enough, the engine roared to life. "This'll keep it going for a little while! Temporary fix!" He yelled over the engine. "Let me take you back to the shop, I can fix 'er up there!" You nodded gratefully and got in the passenger's seat.

The shop wasn't very far, only a few blocks away. He pulled into the gas station, the DX, and ran to the back to grab some tools. "Hey there," a boy with a movie star grin greeted you. "What can I do for you?" You returned his smile. "Oh nothing, I'm just getting my car fixed up by uh-" you paused as the boy came out of the back. "I don't think I ever caught your name."

"I don't think I ever threw it." He retorted. You rolled your eyes with a small laugh before he answered your question. "It's Steve, Steve Randle." He reached out his hand for you to shake, and you obliged. "I'm (Y/N)."

You followed him out and watched in awe as he worked on your car. He tried to explain to you what he was doing, but it all sounded like gibberish to you.

"And we're done!" He cheered, slamming the hood shut. You cheered too, hugging him excitedly. You reached your hand into your purse. "How much?" He shook his head with a smile. "No charge." You weren't going to let up that easily. This boy, a complete stranger had gone out of his way just to help you. "Well there must be something I can do for you."

"Actually, there was something I had in mind." He proposed. "Oh really? What's that?" You shut your purse. "You could let me take you out to lunch, break's in an hour." You smiled and blushed.


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