Johnny Gets Drunk Part 2

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(Tw for mentions of abuse)

You woke up the next morning to the sound of someone, presumably Johnny, gagging in the bathroom across the hall. You walked over there and sat down next to him, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "How're you feeling?" "Like death" he groaned, without looking up. His voice was pretty much gone from the night before. "I cant even remember what happened last night." You giggled lightly. "Well, you and Dal stayed at Buck's until about half past three, until I got nervous and came to make sure you were both still alive." He chuckled, wincing in pain. "Sorry." He said softly. "Don't be. You were having a real good time, dancing and laughing more than I think I've ever seen you laugh before. But don't worry, I dragged you home before you had too much fun." He looked up at you with a small smile. "Thank y-"

Suddenly his face went pale, his eyes filled with worry and fear as he scanned the bruises from your fall last night. "What happened to your face? And your arm?" He started to reach for your face before pulling back immediately. Guilt, pain and terror were written all over his face. You could practically see his heart shatter. "I-is that why my voice is gone? W-was I y-yellin' at you?" "No J-"

He started sobbing, shaking uncontrollably. "Did I do that to you (Y/N)? D-did I hit you?" "No Johnny," you assured. "I just tripped is all, really."

"That's a lie!"
"No it isn't!"
"Yes it is! Don't you think I've used that excuse enough times to know it ain't the truth?"

He let out an agonizing, blood curdling scream. He started breathing faster, faster.
"I'm just like my old man, I swore I'd never end up like my old man and now look at me." He hyperventilated. You were crying now too, it broke your heart to see him torn up like this. You tried to get closer to him but he jumped back. "Stop, please." He sobbed. "I don't want to hurt you any more than I already did."

"Johnny, look at me." You pleaded. "Would I ever lie to you?" He shook his head. "We were walking home from Buck's in the pitch dark and you looked so tired I thought you were gonna pass out any minute. I took my eyes off of where we were going to look at you for one second and next thing you know I'm lying flat on my face." He looked at you warily. "Then how come my throats all scratchy and my voice is shot?"

"Because you were at a party, Johnny!" You slid a little closer to him, and he didn't jump back this time. "That's what you do at parties. You yell over the music and you belt out your favorite songs." You let out a small laugh. "And you serenade your lover with a screamed version of I Want to Hold Your Hand in the middle of the street at half past three." He laughed a little too, blushing from embarrassment. "Wow," he grinned sheepishly. "That sounds so crazy you can't be making it up."

You brushed the last few tears off his cheek. "I promise you Johnny, I will never, ever lie to you." He pulled you close and hugged you, being careful of your bruises. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." "It's alright Johnnycake, I know you didn't mean it." You kissed his cheek as you pulled away. "I'm gonna go make you some tea with honey and lemon for your voice, okay?" He nodded gratefully. "Thank you doll," he called as you walked out the door. "Oh! I almost forgot!" You whirled around. "Huh?" He raised his eyebrows. "You probably don't remember it, but I promised I'd make you brownies today, if you still want 'em."

His deep brown eyes sparkled. "the ones with the chocolate chips?"

"Of course, baby,"

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