Oneshot #14

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This oneshot is KINDA based off of all those bullies to lover stories so whoever invited that concept/storyline, creds to them:). Also creds to my bestay for the restay briar for some of the insults :). This chapter is mostly Chase pov.

Swearing in this oneshot so read at your risk bubbas. (Remember I'm never mad if you don't read the swearing, read whatever you want bubs:) )

Chase pov
I was the "school bully", I never actually considered myself the bully, I just wanted to have fun and pick on people. I have been picking on this one girl Charli, I usually don't pick on people for a reason, but as the saying goes, I'm picking on Charli because I like her and I don't know how to tell her, she probably hates me by now anyway. I was passing by the hallway when I saw her with some stuff in her hands. I walk up to her and "accidentally" shove her. Her stuff falls to the floor and I watch as she scatters to pick it back up again. She picks it back up and looks at me dead in the eyes, usually she would just walk away like nothing happened, but this time she seemed mad. "whatcha so mad at Charli" I say looking back at her and teasing me"why don't you go pick on someone your size, you obviously like me or something because it's like you're obsessed with me" Charli says. I hated the fact that she was right, I didn't like that at all. "Ha, me? Like you? Ha your something else" I say. She pushed me against a locker and walked away. I was confused, she never stood up for herself, she seemed upset. It usually doesn't affect me when I see someone upset because of me, but this one time it did. Me and Charli have only one class together and that's science. It's now that period and I walk into the class and sit down at my desk, which is placed three seats away from Charli. That's because at one point she was closer to me, but she asked to be changed around because I kept "distracting" her. I watch as everyone arrives and sits in their seats. "Hello class, so as you may be aware, we are doing a project. I have assigned you with people I haven't seen you guys pick so I hope you all get along'' Ms brown says. She assigned everyone and me and Charli were the last ones not assigned. "Charli, Chase, you guys are partners" Ms brown says. The words I was dreading to hear. "Ms brown can I please be switched" Charli says "no sorry everyone is already assigned. Now go home and work on your assignments" Ms brown says. This was the last period. Everyone gets up and walks out of the classroom. I walk out and so does Charli and she starts texting someone. We grab our bags from our lockers and I say "Who you texting" "none of your business" Charli says "finally standing up for yourself I see" I say "can you please just shut up, it's bad enough I'm paired with you" Charli says "fine. We can do this stupid assignment at my house" I say "sure" Charli says.

Charli pov
I followed Chase to his house and we finally got there. He opened the door and we took off our shoes and sweaters. "Come upstairs" Chase says "alright" I say. We walk upstairs and he opens one of the doors. I walk in and the room is mostly black with some purple things. "This is my room" Chase says "your room is mostly black, just like your soul" I say with sass "shut up shorty" Chase says "same old insults, can't you get something new" I say "well I could call you stupid or an idiot, but that wouldn't be valid for you" Chase says. I look at him confused and sit down on his bed. "Why do you give me so many insults then be nice to me the next minute" I say "Why do you ask? Would you like me to be more mean" Chase says "no, completely opposite of that" I say "well sorry Damelio but I'm never going to be completely nice to you so deal with what you have" Chase says "Damelio? When did I say you could call me that, Hudson" I say. I felt my body be pushed down on his bed, he was pinning me down. "I get to call you whatever the hell I want when I want, understand?" Chase says "no you don't, you need my permission" I say "no I don't. You don't make the rules in this house" Chase says "fine whatever, I don't care anymore. Can you just let me go?" I say "fine" Chase says. He finally stops pinning me down and I say "so are we going to do this assignment or not?" "No" Chase says "then why the hell am I here?" I say "I don't know? Leave if you want I don't care" "In fact, I will leave. I didn't want to be here anyway, goodbye" I say. I got up from his bed and I got an idea, I didn't believe him when he said he didn't have a crush on me, so I'm going to try to kiss his cheek and see if he blushes or not.

Chase pov
She was about to walk away when she came back and kissed my cheek. I am so confused, why did she just kiss my cheek? She's mad at me, why did she do that for? Whatever was the reason, I liked it, I wanted more. As I try to hold back blushing, I pull her back on my bed and pin her down again. "So you're teasing me now" I say "like you didn't like it, just say you like me. There's no other reason why you bully me constantly" She says somehow getting out of me pinning her down "no other reason as to why you pretend to hate me so much" She says sitting beside me and whispering in my ear "and lastly, no other reason as to why you liked when I just kissed your cheek" She says still whispering in my ear. "Now now Charli, no need for this nonsense" I say trying to deny the fact that I loved what she was doing right now "what really is nonsense is how you're scared to tell me you like me" Charli says "do you like me or something and is trying to pressure me to like you back because it isn't working shorty" I say "your cheeks say otherwise'' She says pointing at my blushing cheeks. "If you tell anyone, anyone about this, I will never talk to you again. Understand?" I say "yes" Charli says. I pull her onto my lap and kiss her. I didn't expect her to kiss me back, but she did. She ruffles around with my hair and I lay her down on my bed. I finally pull away and I lay down beside her. "Is that what you wanted?" Charli says "certainly not what I expected, but yes" I say "in a bad way? Are you insulting me again?" Charli says "no no angel, I didn't expect you to kiss me back" I say "oh. You know, your not too bad" Charli says "your not too bad either. You tell anyone about this and I'll bully you all over again but worse, for now, we're mutuals" I say "ok" Charli says. She moved closer to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and she fell asleep.

Hi guys! I wanna see if you guys like this intimate thing I'm doing (still not doing smut lmao) and if not I'll go back to my regular writing. I love the vibes of this oneshot tehe. I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot as much as I loved writing it! Ily all and PEACE!

Word count: 1349

Oneshot is edited. 

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