Oneshot #14/15

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This is part 2 too the last chapter😏

This oneshot is a bit more intimate, but I would say it's still for anyone who wants to read this:)

Swearing in this oneshot

Tw: Anxiety

Charli pov
I wake up and look around, I'm not in my room? I look beside me and I see no one there beside me. I start to panic and I then see my school bully, Chase Hudson, staring at me while putting a black tank top on. "What wrong?" Chase says while coming and sitting beside me "did I bring any pills here?" I say "no. Why?" Chase says "I have anxiety, I take my pills every morning and night" I say "well you didn't bring anything here except your school bag. Is there anything I can do?" Chase says "just a hug would be fine to calm me down, I don't know why but I feel scared" I say. I sit up and he gives me a hug, I hug him back and he says "your shaking" "I don't know, I guess I'm still a bit scared of you" I say. He pulls away from the hug and says "you were scared of me?" "A bit" I say "ah shit, If I knew you had anxiety I would have never picked on you, sorry" Chase says "it's fine. I get easily scared anyway" I say

Chase pov
I feel horrible. "I'm such a asshole. I don't deserve you. Go home Charli" I say "no, well no to going home. You are an ass, but anyway" Charli says "I'm aware, trust me" I say "Chase, what's everything that happened last night?" Charli says "well, were friends, We kissed, why?" I say "I just wanted to see what you were gonna say" Charli says "mhm, want a drink?" I say "no, for my sake I wouldn't like to be positioned" Charli says "I was just gonna offer you water so whatever Damelio" I say "did I not tell you to stop cal-" Charli says before I say "And didn't I tell you that I can call you whatever I want" I say "why did I even kiss you!? Your such an ass" Charli says "good?! I don't give a shit" I say "you seemed to when I was having an anxiety attack, so what because I'm ok now you get to treat me horrible again? Didn't we have a deal you wouldn't bully me anymore?" Charli says. I go silent before I say "you know what, I do give a shit, and I'm sorry. I'll try to grow as a person" "good. Get me a glass of water please" Charli says "mk" I say.

Charli pov
I'm sick of him being nice and rude, he keeps giving me mixed feelings and I hate it. He comes back with two glasses of water and says "here" "thanks" I say. I drink the glass of water and I say "where are your parents?" "They live somewhere else, this is my house" Chase says "oh. Chase…? Do you really like me?" I say. He looks at me and twiddles with a piece of my hair. "Yes. I don't like to show it a lot though" Chase says "I don't know, I like you too but you're such an ass that I don't know if we could be together" I say "I understand, would you like to just be friends for now..?" Chase says "yeah.. I'd like that" I say "ok angel, lay down and rest" Chase says "angel? I kinda like that" I say. He laughs and I stare at his tattoos on his arms, they're amazing, no, they're hot. "Your tattoos are kinda hot" I say blurting out "why thank you, but I know you don't exactly mean that" "I did" I say "Ok then Damelio, whatever you say" Chase says.

Chase pov
I feel lips being placed on my arm and I look over to see Charli kissing each and one of my tattoos. She comes onto my lap and puts her legs around my waist. I wasn't used to her being so comfortable with me, but I'm not complaining. "Hello Charli" I say "hello. We should make a tiktok" I say "I'm not into "tiktok" Damelio, but I'll definitely watch you dance" I say "I-I don't know about that, you will most likely laugh at me" Charli says "no I won't" I say "fine" Charli says. She goes downstairs and gets her phone from her backpack. She comes back upstairs and presses tiktok. She goes to create and says "where can I film?" "Anywhere Charli" I say "ok" Charli says. She sets the phone up on my side table and I say "what song are you doing?" "You will see after" Charli says. She starts the tiktok and I look at her dancing, I never knew someone dancing could be so memorizing. I focused on only her in this moment, she's gorgeous. She finishes the tiktok and I pull her back into my lap. She giggles and says "did you like that?" "Yes, I did. Post it" I say "I don't kn-" Charli says before I say "shut up, don't be one of those insecure girls". She looks up at me and immediately gets off of me. Did I say something wrong? That wasn't supposed to be an insult?

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