Oneshot #27

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I like this oneshot lolz. WAKE UP IN THE MORNING AND TOO I SCENT I KNOW A LITTLE TOO WELL (sorry morning s3x is stuck in my head)

CW: small cuss warning

Charli pov
Before I met him, I thought love was cheesy, who cares about dating, or falling in love, when you have people who love you all around you already? I then realized that love from a lover, is a different type of love from a friend or a family member. I want him, I crave his touch, I want to kiss him, I want to be with him 24/7, although he's not aware of these feelings, I still feel them. I try to not listen to that voice inside my head, telling me to act upon my thoughts, but tonight it just seems to be harder. My fingers over the typing box, ready to ask if I can come over. These thoughts are only generated from him, all from one person. A kiss would just be a kiss, right? It wouldn't ruin any kind of friendship, at least I think. I wish my brain didn't go through these thoughts and questions everyday, because it's hard fighting them off. Without even realizing, my fingers already typed a measssge, my finger accidentally pressing the send, there's no turning back now I guess.


Are you busy?

No, why? What's up Char? Everything okay?

Yes yes, everything is okay, I actually was thinking about coming over to see you

Oh I'd love that, my parents are asleep though, so we have to be quiet

Okay:). Coming!

Okay love

Love, always makes my heart flutter, I wish he meant that in the way my brain takes it as. I grab my lip gloss, placing some on my lips. I place it back down and grab my phone, usually when I sneak out I tell at least Dixie, just incase I'm not home by the morning. I quickly come out of his contact and go to Dixie's, typing out a measssge.

Pixie tbhhh😋

Going to Chase's house, pls don't tell mom or dad, I should be back by the morning, ly🖤

Okay, be safe Charli, and no funny business, love u too

I'm just going to his house, no where else, promise

Not what I meant but okay

I know that;), can't guarantee


I sometimes forget that my sister is very overprotective. I grab on a sweater and put my phone in there, zipping up the pocket. I open up the window, taking a few deep breaths, the things I do to see this man. 1, 2, 3, I jump, landing on my feet. I start to walk, walking in the dark scares me, especially alone, but I just try to fight through the fear. As I get closer and closer to his house, I wonder what to say to him. Saying simple words like "Hello" can't even get out of my mouth when I see him, all I want to do is just kiss him, the second I see his face. Worrying, thinking and feeling, all made the trip seem so long. I finally reach his house, I take a few more deep breaths, panicking, my heart beating faster then usual, I suck it up, knocking on the door. I hear a few footsteps, before the door opens. His face staring at me, everything seems still, I can't hear a thing. Without thinking I step up closer, connecting us. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's wonderful. His hands touch the front door lock, locking it. My worries, problems, everything suddenly disappear. Our bodies go against a wall, jumping so he could pick me up. We end up in his room, continuing the kiss on his bed. Our hand on each others faces, feeling his now warm face against my fingers. On his lap, his lips soft, everything feels right, nothing has ever felt so right. My body heats up as his hands leave my face, exploring other parts of me, my hands stay still against his face, not knowing what I should do. My answer was shortly answered after his lips leave mine, nothing. We breathe heavily, staring at each other. "holy shit that was better then a hi" my already pink cheeks darken at the comment, finding the words to make a sentence. "I don't know what I just did, but that was freaking amazing. You don't want to know how long I've wanted to do that" "well, I hope that fulfilled what you wanted" "needed, and yes". Kisses start to get placed on my neck, collarbone and cheeks, in between some, he said "I want to do that again, again, again, and so many more times" "too bad it had to end". After more long kisses, our heads lay on the two pillows on his bed, tired. "now that, that was amazing" "I can agree" I yawn "mind if I sleep here" "wouldn't mind at all". His hand lays out, gesturing for me to lie on it. I place my head on his arm and he cuddles me tight, giving me that same warn feeling inside. "Goodnight Charli, sleep well bebe" "thank you, same too you Chase"

Melia/Serenity talks:
WHERE'S MY JUUL! Anyway uhm sorry about that😀. I LOVE THIS ONESHOTTTT! I'm very proud of it😋. I don't have much else to sayyyyy sooooo I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot as much as I loved writing it! Ily all and PEACE!

Word count: 932

Chapter is edited.

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