Oneshot #3/4 Part 2

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Charli pov:
I woke up to feeling someones hands around me. I get confused and then remember everything that happended yesterday. I kissed Chase and he stayed the ni- wait WHAT? I turn around and yeah Chase stayed the night. I then see Chase open his beaut- ok thats it I do like Chase, a lot. "Hello Charls" Chase says "I see you already made a nickname for me" I say blushing "Ooo someones blushing, and of course I made a nickname for you" Chase says "Excuse me like your not and who wouldn't blush for you" I say trying to get payback for making me blush "Ok ok fine you win" Chase says blushing. I get up out of bed and chase walks towards me. I open the door and we walk out in the the hallways of everyones bedroom. Dixie comes out of her room and says "morning Char, I see your "friend" slept over last night" putting quotation marks around friend when she said it "Oh yeah he did. Also like I already told you we are just friends" I say "Mhm then tell me why you guys were just flirting in your bed" Dixie says. I guess I left my door open so Dixie heard everything I said to Chase and everything he said to me. "Wh- ho- no we wernt, right Chase" I say trying to make him follow along with what I am saying "Yeah we weren't we were just talking" Chase says "Talking about what?" Dixie says. To be honest Dixie was overprotective of me sometimes and I guess this was her overprotective side showing. I don't really care when she gets overprotective it just gets annoying sometimes. "Just about dance" I say "Mk" Dixie says. We all walk downstairs to get our breakfast. Thankfully it is a Saturday today so I don't have to go anywhere. "I can go now if you want because I don't wanna make things awkward between you and your sister" Chase says. I get up close to his ear and whisper "No no. Your not going anywhere. I haven't even gotten a kiss yet and you wanna go? Nope I don't think so mister" "Mmmm true. Ok I'll stay" Chase says also whispering. "Hello Charli, Dixie and Chase!" My mom says "Hi mom" me and Dixie say "Hi" Chase says. "I am making some pancakes if you guys want any" My mom says "Alright mom I'll have some thank you" Dixie says "I'll have some to. Can Chase stay and have some?" I say "Of course hun!" My mom says. My mom is pretty nice, it's my dad that gets strict sometimes. But It doesn't bother me. "Thank you mom" I say "No problem" My mom says "Thank you Heidi" Chase says "your welcome!" My mom says. We all sit down at the mini table we have in the kitchen. Dixie whispers "Come to my room for a sec" I say "ok". "Me and charli will be right back" Dixie says. I am a bit confused as to why dixie wants me to come to her room but I just roll with it. "Ok. You keep saying you don't like Chase as more then a friend but I know my sister and I know when your lying, so don't be shy tell me the truth" Dixie says "Ok fine. I do like chase. There?" I say "Mhm just as I thought" Dixie says "Oh also you know how you left your door open last night-" Dixie says before I cut her off "and let me guess. I also left the door open when me and Chase went to talk and you seen us kiss" I say "Well yeah" Dixie says "wait so that ALSO means you were spying on me" I say "I wouldn't say spying. I would say like checking on you?" Dixie says "eh it's whatever." I say "So then what are you guys?" Dixie says "I don't know I think just friends" I say "alright well if it becomes more make sure he treats you right" Dixie says "Yeah I know. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me anyway" I say "Alright" Dixie says. We walk back downstairs and sit back down. "Just in time. The pancakes are ready" My mom says. We get the pancakes and put our syrup on and finsh eating.

Chase pov:
We all finsh eating, thanking heidi for making the pancakes and cleaning up our mess and we all go back upstairs to our room. "So where is my k-" Charli says before I cut her off by me kissing her knowing thats what she was gonna say. I pull away and say "continue" "Oh no you already answerd my question" Charli says "Mhm thats because I knew thats what you were going to say" I say "Thats good. Your already getting know what I am going to say. Sooooo you should know when I am going to want to cuddle to then" Charli says "Someones already getting clingy" I say teasing her "It's not my fault that the dance teacher picked someone that I can't get out of my mind" Charli says "I know but I didn't say I didn't like it. I acutally love it" I say "good because I wasn't planning on stopping anyways" Charli says. I give her a forehead kiss. "Your always kissing me. I like it" Charli says "Your too kissable" I say "Tehe" Charli says "tehe" I say. The room gose silent for about 5 minutes before charli says something "Chase. What are we?" "Well were diffently more then friends the way were acting" I say "Well yeah I don't mean that dummy I mean are we dating or like offical?" Charli says "Well if you say yes, are you ok with dating?" I say "yes yes and yesss!!!" Charli says. We were sitting on her bed so i picked her up bridal style and give her a kiss. She pulls away and crawls back in to her spot on her bed. I lay back down and stare a charli, not a creepy stare but a romantic stare. "Take a picture it'll last longer" Charli says "But what if I do and still stare" I say "Well then isn't that your choice" Charli says "It is" I say with a smile.

Hi yall! I can't say much because I am in school but here is a chapter I made on lunch, during school and during french! I really enjoyed writing these chapters! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Ily all and PEACE!

Word count: 1098

Edited: 1/15/2021

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