Oneshot #19

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Small cuss warning

Chase pov
Me and my family are going over to the D'amelio's today for Easter, we spend every holiday together as if we were a huge big family, which I love. Not only do I love spending time with the D'amelio's but I have grown a tiny little crush for Charli. Her personality is just different from any other girl I have met, she's just perfect. I bought her a bouquet of flowers, there full of pink, dark pink, purple and orange flowers, hoping she will like them. We're on our way to her house as we finally arrive. I knock on the door and Dixie answers "Happy Easter" "thanks, same to you". Me and my family take off our shoes and my mom and dad go to find Heidi and Marc, my sisters go to hang out with Dixie and I walk upstairs to Charli's room. I get to her room and knock on the door, I knock two times before she answers, I feel my cheeks immediately blush as I see her face. "Hi Chasey! Happy Easter!" "Hi Char, thank you, same to you". She takes my hand as my other hand holds the bags with the flowers and she leads me to her bed, gesturing for me to sit down. She looks down at the bag, seeing the small tag that had her name on it. "What's thattt" "here, open it".

Charli pov
My heart is excited, I open the bag, revealing a bouquet of beautiful flowers. I take them out and a huge smile appears on my face, along with my face glowing light pink. "Chase omg, for me?" "Yes M'lady" "you're such a gentleman, and a flirt. Thank you Mister Hudson" "Of course, I hope you like them" "I love them, the colors are beautiful". I bring the flowers to my nose, smelling them. "They also smell really good. Why did you do that though? You didn't have too?" "I know, I wanted to, I mean you have been a great friend to me". I hug him, he's making me fall for him. I giggle and pull away from the hug. "You're a good friend too". He kisses my bright pink cheeks, now making them look darker. "Stawpp" "hmm, I'll think about it" "be right back". I race downstairs to grab a huge vase to fit the flowers. I put some tap water in it and carefully walked back upstairs, entering my room. I take out the flowers and transfer them to the vase. "Perfect. There beautiful" "yeah, they are, but not as beautiful as you" ugh, this guy is a tease. "Why thank you". I place the vase on a side table beside my bed. His eyes stare at me, looking at my outfit, then they move to my lips. "Cutie" "hey, eyes up here Hudson" "I can't control it" "orrrr can you and you just chose not too?" "Hmm, or that too" "what do you want, huh?" "What could I get?" "well, anything you want".

Chase pov
My lips curve, trying to think of where to start on the girl. "Later, I'll come up with something later princess" "you're the definition of a flirt Chase" "I enjoy flirting with you". I then remember that there was more thing in the bag. "There was one more thing in the bag" "there was?" She grabs the bag and tilts the bag upside down and the small letter falls to the ground. She bends down, grabs the letter, sits back up and reads out loud:

Dear Charli,
Happy Easter! I bought you a little something, I know it may not be a lot, but it's just a little something in appreciation of being my friend. Recently I have started to look at you in a different way, not a bad way, but as a crush type of way, I have feelings for you. I was going to do this Valentine's day, but I chickened out, so I did it today instead. You have been my best friend since grade six and I've loved you since, you perfect. I don't ever want to lose you, ever. So with all that being said, Charli Grace Damelio, will you be mine?


I fiddle with my fingers, nervous as hell and my heart racing fast and my body shaking. Instead of replying to the letter, she pulls me closer to her, a small little gap in between our lips. I could feel her breath against my face, shortly after, my breath was taken away from a kiss. I had felt myself slowly melt into her lips, her hand creeping to my neck as mine went to her cheek, this wasn't aggressive, it was just all out of love. She pulls away with a huge smile on her face, me still scared and confused, I know that most likely means yes, but what if she just did that because she felt bad saying no and doesn't like me at all? "Sooo is that yes?" "Yes, yes, yes of course!" She kisses me again, like the last, it felt passionate, it felt my insides were jumping up and down, I then realized, she's actually mine, finally. I pull away and she giggles. "You really thought I would have said no?" "I mean-" she laughs "you're too funny, I've wanted to be yours forever now" "you have?" "Yeah, I was just scared to say" "I was too, that took a lot of damn confidence to say that so I'm glad you said yes" "I can only imagine".

Charli pov
I let it sink in for a few minutes, he actually asked me to be his girlfriend, I'm actually his. Nothing could explain how happy I was, I felt a rush of joy come over me. "I'm your girlfriend" I smile "and I'm your boyfriend". He kisses my cheek, I had remembered I had something for him too. "I actually have something for you too" "you did not-" "yes I did". I go over to a small bag labeled "for Chase" and pass it to him, sitting back down on my bed. "Open it!". He opens it and it reveals ten black roses, he loves black roses. His jaw drops "Omg Char thank you so much, I love these" "I'm glad, I knew you always wanted those, so I went out on a search to find them for you". He takes out the flowers and places one in my hair. "Perfect". I laugh and take out one out of my flowers, placing it in his hair. "Perfect".

Melia/Serenity talks:
Hi guys! I know this is particularly the book you wanted to be updated, but I finished this a couple days ago but was to lady to edit it so I decided to published it now! More updates should slowly start rolling out, just give me a tiny bit more time. I'm really proud of this chapter, it started off as a small idea and then grew into this:). Also the day I wrote this was the 1 year of chacha breakup, which really sucks, but I'm just thankful no matter if in a relationship or just a friendship, I'm just glad there on good terms still<3. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it! Ily all and PEACE!

Word count: 1238

Chapter is edited.

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