chapter three

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Erin was stressed to talk with her boyfriend. Actually, she didn't knew how he could react.

- Hey honey. Are you okay ? He asked after seeing her upset.

She played with her fingers trying to find the good words.

- I am infertile, she said quickly.

- What ? Infertile ? How is it possible ?

- I don't know, I ... I'm sorry. I don't understand, no one in my family is infertile.

Jake sat, in chock. He didn't expect a new like this one.

- Jake, say something, please ... She begged.

No answer, nothing. He stared into space. Shocked.

- Get out of here, Erin, he said coldly.

- What ? Why ?

- I work, Erin, okay ?! He said, rising up and edgy.

Erin was too shocked to say something so she just left the firehouse. Kelly Severide, one of her friends followed her.

- Erin !

He called her and she stopped her walk.

- Severide, hey.

- I heard your conversation with Jake. I'm sorry for you.

- Thank you. I appreciate it., she smiled sincerely.

- If you want to talk, drink a beer. Shay and me are here, you know.

Leslie Shay is the lesbian best friend of Severide and one of close friend of Erin.

- Yeah, but it's okay, I'm fine. It's okay.

She tried to convince herself and her friend, but he is not stupid and he let her go after they said good-bye to each other.

Erin walked for two hours now. She thought about Jay and where he lives : "3531 North Racine". She hailed a taxi and got inside. The driver drove her at Jay's home. She gets out of the car and banged on the door. A familiar face came open.

- Ryan ? She was surprised.

- Erin, hey. How are you ?

- Hum, fine and you ?

- Fine. What are you doing here ?

- I came to see Jay.

- Jay ? Like my brother Jay ?

- It's your brother ? She realized, Oh my god, yes. I didn't make the connection when he said, "Halstead". I'm currently annoyed, sorry.

- He takes a shower, but don't stay outside.

He let her go into the house and closed the door.

- You are twenty-eight and you live with your mother ? She laughed at him.

- Shut up. My fiancée and I are separate.

- Oh. I'm sorry. I think I am in the same position.

Jay down the stairs and smiled at Erin.

- Hi Erin. So ? He asked about Jake and her.

- Not good at all. He is furious. Edgy. Maybe sad, I don't know. He asked me to leave the firehouse.

- I'm sorry.

- What are you talking about, guys ? Asked Ryan without understanding.

- Personal problems, Ryan, Answered Erin, hey, hum, Molly's tonight ?

- What is "Molly's" ? Jay asked.

- A bar. Three firefighters of the 51 run the Molly's.

- I'm okay. And you Jay ?

- Why not !


Erin was dressed with a red shirt and a black slim pants. Her hair was wavy and fell down her neck and her back. She put lipstick and took her leather jacket. Jake met her in the bathroom.

- You're going somewhere ? He asked.

- At the Molly's with my friends. She answered coldly.

- Erin, I'm ...

- See you later. She interrupted him and left the room.

- Damn it.

Erin left the apartment and met the brothers at the Molly's.

- Hey guys.

- We ordered three beers. Jay declared.

- Good new. She smiled.

- Jake said something ? Asked Jay.

- To be honest, he didn't have time. I left quickly.

- It's not our businesses, but if we want to talk, we are here, my bro and me.

- I appreciate it. Thanks Jay.

She knew Jay since only a few days and she already considered him as a friend.

- I'll go see a friend at the counter. I come back in five minutes.

Ryan let his brother and Erin together.

- So, Jay. What are you going to do, now you're no longer in the army ?

- Learn to cook.

- Seriously ? Why ?

- I am a bad cook. He laughed.

- I'm sure you're not, Jay.

- I tried to cook pasta without water.

- What ?! She laughed at him. Come on, Jay ! It's impossible !

- That what you thought before meeting me.

They laughed and Ryan came back with three beers.

- One of Erin, one for Jay and one for me. He gave beers.

- Thank you bro.

Ryan left the bar at 10 PM because he worked early the next day. Jay and Erin left the bar at 11:30 PM and Jay was drunk. Erin took him back to his house. She parked her car in front of Jay's house and look at her.

- It's gonna be okay, Jay ?

- Yup ! I'm fine ! Totally fine !

- Sure ? You're okay ? No problem ? She insisted on this point.

- Yeaaah ! Can I ask you something ?

- Anything you want.

- Kiss me.

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