chapter nine

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Erin decided to go at the Chinese Restaurant with Jake. She knew she made a bad choice, but it's too late, she said yes. She took one of his old dress, a little black dress and a red pair of court shoes. She wore her hair in a ponytail. She put an imperceptible gloss on her sweet lips. She was ready, physically, but morally, she wasn't. She sighed, what Jay thought about her outing ? Jake knocked on Erin's door. It's time. She opened and smiled to him. He found her so pretty in a simple way. He handed his arm, Erin took his arm. They went at the Chinese Restaurant together and a waiter brought them at a table, with a magnificent view over the city.

- Jake, it's beautiful. Thank you.

- It's just the beginning.

They took the menu and read it. Erin thought about Jay. He didn't know yet and she was afraid of his reaction. He will be pissed or understandable. No, impossible. He will pissed for sure. Jake looked at his ex fiancé and noticed how beautiful she was. He missed her, a lot. He was sorry for leaving. He closed the menu and put it on the table.

- Erin ?

She looked up and put the menu on the table.

- Did you meet someone ?

Of course she did, come on Jake, you told her you can't stay with a girl who can't have a baby. Erin looked at him, hesitantly. She didn't know to say she had Jay.

- No.

Simple but effective. She smiled to him and he smiled her back. He trusted her. The waiter met them and introduced himself.

- I am Eliot and I will be your waiter for the dinner. Are you ready to order ?

- I will take a portion of fried rice and a portion of spring roll, Erin gave the menu.

- For me, it will be a peking duck with pasta and a bottle of wine for us.

Eliot smiled to them and took back the menus.

- What do you think about this restaurant ?

Erin looked around her and smiled. It was a good place.

- It's beautiful. Thanks again.

He took her hand and kissed her with a smile on his face. He was happy, but he suspected she knew about him and Lauren. So, he took a deep breathe and looked Erin in her beautiful green eyes.

- I love you and I'm sorry for all I could say about you, your infertility, all. I'm a jerk.

She stood gaping. It can't be possible. He said he loved her, he missed her, he wanted her back. She listened, thinking of Jay. She had sex with him and she felt loved for what she is. Jay was sweet and loving with her.

- I need a minute. Excuse me.

She went to the toilet and closed the door behind her. She slipped against the door and stared into space. She was lost. She enjoyed spending time with Jay but she still loved Jake. This is what she believed. She noticed a phone on the wall and she raised. She picked up the phone and dialed Jay's number. She knew his number by heart. So, she dialed his number and waiting for him. He picked up after two rings.

- Jay, it's Erin.

- Erin ? Where do you call ? I don't recognize the number.

- From the Chinese Restaurant. Eum, how are you ? She was ready to cry.

- Fine, I'm with my mom. We cook. I learn to cook.

- Amazing, she smiled, why do you learn to cook ?

- Guess.

- For me ?

- Good answer !

She bit her lip, happy. Nobody had learned to cook for her. Jake was a bad cook and he never changed.

- What are you doing at the restaurant ?

- I'm with Jake. He invited me.

No answer. Jay was a little shocked. With Jake. Erin was with Jake. This asshole. This jerk. How can she do that ?

- I gotta go, bye Erin.

He hung up, hurt. He was disappointed with Erin's behaviour, he was jealous and he hated Jake more than anything. She hung up too and left the toilet. She returned with Jake.

- Are you okay sweetheart ?

- Yeah, it's okay. I'm fine.

They spent the evening at the restaurant, they talked about their possible future. Especially, Jake talked about the future and Erin listened.

APRIL 27, 2014.

Erin woke up with a bad feeling. Barely awake, she took her phone and tried to call Jay, but no answer. So, she tried again and again in vain. Then, she tried to call Ryan, Jay's brother, and thank god, he picked up.

- Hello ?

- Ryan, where is Jay ?

- Next to me, but he doesn't want to talk you. That's why he doesn't answer.

- Please, Ryan. I'm sorry. Tell him.

- Have a good day, Erin.

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