chapter seventeen

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AUGUST 12, 2014.

- We need to talk, Erin.

Erin read a book called "the notebook", when she heard Jay, she closed her book and raised up, worried.

- Jay, is everything okay ?

Jay sighed and sat on the couch. Erin did the same and looked at him. For Erin, something was wrong. Jay stared into the space, searching his words. Erin was worried and prayed in her head that's, finally, everything is okay.

- Jay, talk to me.

He turned his head and saw Erin's worried face. He couldn't do that to her, he loved her more than his own life.

- What ? Jay, I don't understand. What's going on ?

He told everything about his commitment, everything. More he talked, more Erin's face became sad.

- I love you, Erin and I wanna marry you more than anything else, right now, but If you don't want to be with me, because, from one day to the next I can return at the front and die. I understand, he said with a little heartache.

At this moment, Erin was the most indecisive girl in the world. She looked down, ready to cry.

- You shouldn't be sad, Erin.

Erin was strong and she loved him. That's all, and she can't leave him because of this shit, and Erin Halstead sounds like pretty good. She smiled and faced to Jay.

- I wanna marry you, and I don't care. You're not gonna die, you're the strongest guy that I know and I'll be glad to be a Halstead, me too.
- Erin... Seriously ? He smiled, oh my god my proposition was so bad. I'm sorry.

Jay laughed, eased. Erin will stay with him for the rest of his days. She kissed him, it was perfect like a love kiss, I mean, it was a love kiss.

- Oh, Jay. I finally called my parents.
- Yeah ? And ?
- They were happy to ear me. I talked a lot about you and they can't wait to see us.
- Us ? He smiled, they love me ?
- They love you, she laughed. You can't imagine how happy I am, because of them, you.. My future Halstead life, Jay laughed too, They will come to Chicago the next week, I mean, they try because of their works, you know.
- Explain ?
- My mom is teacher so no problem, we are in August, but my dad is architect so it's a little bit difficult.
- I understand. I hope for you they will.

AUGUST 15, 2014.

Jay met Julia at her work with his brother. Julia left her desk and went to the brothers.

- Where is Erin ? Julia asked.
- Erin cleans the apartment. Her parents arrive in two days, she's stressed, Jay answered, but I don't stay with you, I'll help her.

Jay had an idea and that's why he let his brother with the pretty Julia. He went back at his apartment after saying goodbye to his friend and brother and met Erin in the kitchen who ate a cookie.

- So ? Erin asked.
- So, Jay kissed her, they eat together.
- And more if they get on, she smirked.
- But Ryan is obssessed with Sara.
- Things change baby.

Yeah, things change...

Okay guys, hope you like my chapter. I'm sorry I have exams and some problems in my life, so I do my best to make good chapters and update ! Love you x

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