Chapter four

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     When Jay saw Erin for the first time, he thought she was an angel. She was beautiful, elegant, smiling, but he hadn't seen a woman for three years. The second time he saw her, he understood. He felt that he had never felt before. So that's it, the love at first sight ? Jay knew a lot of girls in his life, but not a girl like Erin.

- Kiss me. He asked.

Jay was in love with her, or it just a physical attraction. Nobody's know except himself.

- Jay, you're drunk.

- I'm honest. I'll always be with you.

- I'm engaged, Jay and we know each other for two days !

- If Jake wasn't in your life, you would have accepted ?

- Perhaps I would have agreed to go to your room.

Jay looked at her in her green eyes, for the first time, and smiled. Nobody knew why he smiled. Maybe he was happy, or it just because he was drunk. As always, just him know the answer. 

- Goodnight Erin Lindsay. 

APRIL 20, 2014

- Jake. Listen to me. It's not my fault ! Why do you react like that ?

- You don't understand. Jake answered.

- Of course because you don't tell me anything !

- I can't stay with a girl who can't have a baby.

     Erin couldn't believe what she just heard. This sentence was like a stab in the chest. Jake left the kitchen and went into the bedroom, Erin followed him.

- Jake, I ...

She stopped talking, seeing him take a suitcase under the bed.  The beating of her quickened.

- Jake. Please, no. She begged

- We need a break, Erin.

- I love you Jake. Please, stay with me.

Those words were the only words she could say, in shock. Jake didn't answer and continued to fill his suitcase.  How can someone stop a relationship without thinking ? She was devastated. Jake left Erin's apartment without a word. It was over and now she's alone. She sat on her bed and thought about what she could do. 

      Jay played video games with his brother for twenty minutes, now. As always, Jay won. Jake had stopped temporarily the video game to talk with his brother.

- Jay, seriously ...  Ryan started to speak.

- Yes ? He put his lever on his bed.

- How are you ?

- Hum, fine. Why ? He asked, a little disoriented.

- Last night, you talked in your sleep. IN YOUR SLEEP !

- What ? It's okay. He laughed. I'm just disturbed by all I saw at the front, you know. When you see your best friend get shot in his head, it leaves traces. I've seen so many horrible things. One of my guys was tortured and killed !

-  I'm sorry dude. You know, Chicago isn't a quiet town, between gang wars and all deadly accidents, and all.

- I know, but Chicago is my home. I love this city.

- You think I don't know ? I know it Jay. Mom is agree with me : you should leave Chicago a few weeks. He advised.

- I don't know. I'll think about it.

APRIL 23, 2014.

        Today is a special day for Jay. It's his birthday, but he felt a little depressed. His father wasn't here and he slept badly, like every night. He thought about Erin and noticed he had no heard from her from the 18th. He took his phone and realized he didn't have her phone number. "Damn it" he thought. Ryan came into his bedroom to see he was still asleep.

- Mom is waiting for you.

He smiled to his brother and get out the bedroom. Jay looked at his brother and sighed. He thought about what Ryan told him a few days ago : leave Chicago. It was a good idea. Leave Chicago but to where ? Italia ? England ? California ? North Carolina ? Texas ? Kansas ? Indiana ? He didn't know. And, to be honest, it's a hard decision. He thought and thought again and made a decision, but which one ? He met his brother and her mother at the kitchen.

- Mom, Ryan. Can we talk ?

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