chapter fifteen

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JULY 2060
always somewhere in a residence, in the countryside...

     The old man enters in his wife's bedroom. She sleeps. He closes the door and sits on the chair in front of her bed. He looks at her and smiles. He loves her, a lot. And her ? He doesn't know. It's a complicated story, but, in a way, it's a beautiful story.  It's their story.

JULY 8, 2014.

Woah. Two months. They are a couple since two months. Jay lived in his apartment and Erin came after her work. When they walked, sometimes, they saw Jake, but Erin didn't care. It's the past. What about Ryan ? Well, Ryan tried again with Sara and it worked, but... He wasn't serious. Jay thought he fell in love with Julia. Ha, Julia. Julia and Erin are like bestfriends and, despite the fact that Erin knew where her parents live and their number, she hasn't contacted them. She was afraid. Afraid of their reaction. For sure, Olivia and Mark missed their daughter and Erin missed her parents because they are a family. Erin worked hard and from three works she works with Ryan, in his team and when they worked both, Julia, Sara and Jay cooked for them. Yeah, Sara and Julia together. They weren't friends, they were on good terms.

- Pastas with vegetables ? Proposed Jay.
- Ryan loves vegetables ? Asked Julia, confused, I thought he loved just the red meat.
- Well, Ryan loves pastas with vegetables and it's good for him.

Julia and Jay looked at each other and frowned. Weird. Jay didn't like Sara like the first time. She fell in his estimation.

- How is the move ? Jay asked, drinking his beer.
- Good. Our house is so beautiful, Sara smiled, he's the best.

Julia sighed, she was jealous. Yes, she was. She liked Ryan, maybe more than a friend, but he returned with Sara, life is unfair sometimes.

- Jay, started Julia, kitchen, I need you to bring some beers.
- Hum, you have two hands, it's enough.
- Jay, she looked at him with insistense.
- Oh, yeah. Wait.

They went in the kitchen, Julia turned to him and faced.

- Do you hear her ?
- Yeah, that's incredible.

They didn't talk loud.

- Is she crazy ? Asked Julia.
- She's a bitch. Yeah. She's a bitch.
- She's a profiteer.
- I agree.

At the Chicago Med, Ryan met Erin in the lockeroom.

- Good job, nurse.

Erin smiled and put her jacket. She closed her locker and turned to him.

- Thank you, doc. I work hard.
- I saw, he smiled, how is with the other nurses ?
- They are cool. Eh, can I be honest with you ?
- Of course, he sat on the bench.
- Julia is prettier than Sara. Her curly hair, oh my god, I can be gay for her.
- Okay, he laughed, that's your opinion, not mine. I love Sara.
- Sara is your first love, but not the love of your life, she looked at him, Woah. I said something beautiful.
- You're so silly, he laughed.

JULY 2060

He loves his friends and his family. He loves his wife and his kids. He still sits on the chair. He waits and waits again. The old woman still sleeps. She looks like a (old) angel, but a pretty angel. He takes something like a diary and opens it.

A/N : a small chapter about the friendship between the characters.

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