chapter fourteen

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MAY 7, 2014.

Julia invited Jay and Erin for the dinner. Jay decided to bring Ryan with them, to change his ideas. Ryan didn't stop to think about Sara these days.

- Guys, do you like the Italian Food ? Asked Julia.
- Yes, they answered.

Julia sat on the couch, next to Ryan. She smiled to him and took her glass.

- How was the Navy Pier ?
- They didn't take me with them, Ryan said.
- Oh, poor boy, Julia said, stroking Ryan's cheek.

They all laughed at him. He smiled faintly and looked at his brother and Erin. They were close and surely in love. He sighed and went in the kitchen. Everybody frowned, seeing him. Jay met him after a minute.

- Is everything okay ? Asked Jay after put his glass on the table.
- I think.
- Tell me.
- Jay, I'm alone ! He turned to his brother, you have Erin, and me ? I have nothing !
- Call Sara, Jay suggested.
- No, it's over with her.
- Try one last time, and you'll see.
- I don't want to be disappointed again. Do you remember why she left ? It's because I work hard. And you know why I work so hard ? At this tome it was for her, to live with her in a big beautiful house and now I work hard for nothing ! Only because I'm alone.
- I'm sorry, bro, he sighed, you know, I don't want you to be sad or alone. I like Erin a lot, I mean, I love her, but if one day you wanna drink a beer, or play video games, I'm in, he smiled to his brother and took his glass.
- Thank you.
- Talk with Sara, have a new friend.
- She's really cute, he smiled.
- Forget her. It's John's girlfriend.
- Jay, John is... You know, he looked at his brother.
- I don't care, don't touch Sara, Jay ordered and drank his glass.

Jay went out the kitchen and met the girls, followed by his brother. They sat on the other couch because Julia and Erin were sit on the same couch, since Ryan and Jay left.

- Erin is so cool. I like her, Julia said.
- Yeah, I know, Jay smiled.

MAY 8, 2014.

Jay and Erin woke up together, in the same house, in the same bed, at the same time, together. They were together.

- What about the rule, Jay Halstead ?
- I love you.. Your body a lot, he smiled like a child.
- Do you think we woke up Ryan ?
- Eum... He laughed, I think.

Erin smiled and bit her lip. She kissed him, intensely. It was a true love kiss. He kissed her back and stroked her cheek, smiling. Ryan went into the bedroom and looked at them. He folded his arms.

- Seriously ? What about the rule ?
- It's Jay's fault, not mine.

Ryan laughed and sat on the bed between Jay and Erin. He put his arms around them, smiling. He played with them.

- Ryan... Please, don't even start, asked Jay.

He ignored Jay and looked at Erin.

- What about your job ?

Erin frowned and remembered : she works in one hour.

- Damn it ! Close your eyes, Ryan.

He did and Erin stood up. She put her clothes, swearing. The brothers laughed at her, seeing her little show.

- I said, close your eyes, Ryan !

JULY, 2060.
Somewhere, in a residence in a countryside...

The sun is up. The old man goes to his window and looks the beautiful show, thinking how he loved his youth. He smiles. He had the life he always dreamed. He thanks God everyday for this. He looks his watch and go out his bedroom. His routine begins.

A/N : The end is near so, from this chapter, you'll see many clues about the end and don't forget the first chapter of "dear you" April, 4 !

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