chapter thirteen - part one

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FEBRUARY 11, 1999.

      Jay and Ryan's father, Stan, spent his last day with his beautiful wife, Hilary, and his two amazing sons a February 11. The 12, he had to return at the front. Stan put to bed his youngest son, Jay and sat next to him, on the bed.

- You gonna be nice with your mom, okay ?
- Of course daddy. I promise.
- Good kid, he smiled.
- Can I ask you something ?
- Sure.
- How did you fall in love with mom ?

Stan smiled at this memory and looked at his son who waiting an answer.

- How explain.., he searched his words,  I met her at the cinema. I was with my best friend and she was with her sister, your aunt Stella. And my best friend Derek knew Stella so they talked and I finally talked to your mom, he smiled, I think I fell in love with her, the first time we talk. I was 20 and I proposed to her after six months.
- It was quick.
- Yeah, I know, but I knew she was the woman of my life. And even now, I'm not mistaken.

Jay smiled, his parents was his entire life. From all of his 10 of age, he hoped to meet a girlfriend like his mom. He said goodbye to his father who, now, sat on Ryan's bed in the same room.

- It's time to sleep. What you write ? He smiled and tried to have Ryan's card.
- Please, dad. It's for Sara, for the valentine's day.
- The pretty blond girl I saw the last time ?
- Yes. This girl.
- How old is she ?
- Like me, 14, but please. If Ted come here, don't tell anything about my card. I'm 14 and I'm a guy and I shouldn't write a card.
- Why not ? He frowned.
- It's ridiculous.
- Not at all. You love her, no ?
- But not her.
- Never lose hope.

He stood up and looked at his sons.

- Okay kids. Be nice, I come back in a few months.

But he never come back.

MAY 4, 2014.

    Jay woke up with this memory. He stared into space, thinking about his father. He missed his dad. He went out of his thoughts when his phone rang. He picked up.

- Jay.
- Jay, it's me, Julia. You know, the Molly's girl.
- Oh. Eum, hey.
- How are you ? She asked.
- I knew better. He answered without asked how she is.
- Are you busy today ?
- I don't know.

Julia sighed. She knew, there is another girl in Jay's life. She looked around her without speaking. She looked a photo of her with her dead fiancé and smiled. She tried to have a new one, but it was difficult because her boyfriend, John was still in her mind.

- I don't want to slept with you. I just wanna a friend.

Jay frowned and he remembered Julia's story. Her boyfriend is dead, but because of the alcohol, he didn't remember the entire story. Just like him, Julia was alone.

- I need a friend who knew my boyfriend.

He frowned again and searched in his mind. What friend had a girlfriend named Julia ? When he saw her, he was sure to have seen her once.

- His name was John. John Smith.

John Smith. His bestfriend. His bestfriend was shot, in his head.  That memory was horrible and he was ready to cry. John had a photo of him and Julian and one day, he showed the photo and said he met Julia during a leave, few weeks before his dead. John talked about Jay to Julia. He said he was the bestfriend he never had, he was like his brother.

- Jay, I can help you with, eum, Erin ?
- How did you find me ? He asked, confused.
- I haven't tried to find you. When you came at the Molly's, I saw you and I recognized you, thanks to John, because he had a photo with you. Jay, please. It's my fault if this girl let you. Let me help you, please, she begged.
- I want. When can we meet ?
- At lunchtime ? I work. I'll send you the address.
- What do you for a living ?
- I'm a civil registrar.

Jay remembered that Erin didn't see her parents since a long time. He looked at his alarm clock, 10 PM.

- I need you, right now.
- Sure. How can I help you ? She asked, putting on her computer.
- Can you find Olivia and Mark Lindsay ? They live in North Carolina.
- North Carolina ? It's not the Illinois or Chicago.
- It's for Erin.
- Why you didn't say earlier ? she laughed with him, I'll search.
- Thank you. I gotta go, see you later new friend.
- Yeah, no problem, she laughed.


     Erin worked at the hospital, she was with a child who had a fracture.

- Okay buddy, be careful when you use your bike.
- Promise, nurse Erin.

She smiled and took a lollipop in her pocket. The little boy's eyes shinning, seeing the lollipop. Erin laughed and gave the candy to him.

- Thank you, he smiled, taking the candy.
- You can leave with your parents.

The little boy left the room and met his parents. She cleaned the room.

- Knock knock.

She recognized this voice. Jay. She looked at him and finished to clean the room without answering.

- Erin ?
- I work. I gotta see a old woman, so let me.
- Two minutes, please.
- No !

She was angry. She dropped her gloves across the room and faced to him.

- Erin..., he looked in her eyes, he saw her anger.
- I couldn't come and you replaced me !

Jay ignored her and sighed. He took Erin's arm and looked in her eyes.

- I'm sorry. I can explain you. Come with me to see Julia, at midday.
- Julia ?
- The girl.
- No. Let me.
- Please, Erin. Trust me.

She looked away and thought. Jay begged Erin to come with him to see his new friend.

- Okay, Jay. Only if I can with my timetable.

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