chapter eight

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      Erin waited for Jay with one of her friends, Matt Casey. They talked about "Erin's adventures" which made him smile and laugh. Matt suggested to be careful with this Jay. To be honest, Matt didn't like him, but all he wanted was Erin's happiness because she needed it.

- Jake see a girl ?

- Guess who. Matt sighed and drank his vodka.

- Lauren ? I hate this girl.

- We all hate this girl. You want him back ?

- Oh my god, no, she drank her beer, he let me because I can't have a baby, it's not my fault. I mean ... I suppose.

- You're right. You know, Severide stands up for you. When Jake brought Lauren at the firehouse, he blew a fuse. He insults Jake "asshole, jerk...". You see.

Erin laughed and finished her beer, but she was a little bit jealous of Lauren. To Erin, Lauren is THE fantasy and Erin is ... Just Erin. When she was with Jake, he puts down her when he had the chance. He loved Erin more than his own life, God knows, but Jake is a macho and he is very focused on the physical. When Erin thought about his relationship with Jake, she thought about her parents, Olivia and Mark. She was very close with her parents and she let her parents when she met Jake. They always hate Jake and Erin loved Jake, so she made a choice. Not the good one.

- I have so many regrets. You can't imagine. I am here, with you, waiting a guy, and my parents ? What are they doing ? Do they think of me ? Do they still love me ? I mean, Imagine if they forgotten me !

- You're their daughter, not just a girl. They still love you and I'm sure they think of you, Matt held Erin's hand amicably, trust me.

- I trust you.

Jay saw the scene between Erin and the blond guy. He clenched his fists, nervous and met her.

- Jay, hey, she smiled.

- Hum, I'll let you. See you later Erin.

- Sure, Matt.

Matt let Erin and Jay. Jay ordered two beers and looked at Erin. She played with her glass, she seems anxious.

- Are you okay ?

- Yeah, I thought about my life.

- You wanna talk ?

- No, no. Why did you wanted to see me ? Erin asked, putting her glass aside.

- About my trip. If we become sex friends, we must stop our relationship when ...

- Yeah, I understand. So ?

- Let me finish. Our relationship, our friendship is the best thing ever happened to me so, I'm not leave Chicago and I know it will take time, especially for you because of Jake, but I want something serious with you.

- Jay, I ...

- I know what you'll say, Jake is here and-

- I agree, she interrupted him.

- What ?

Jay smiled, comprising. He was the happiest. He loved Erin since the first time and he knew it and now she knew it, but he also knew he must be patient.

- It was Matt, a firefighter. He works with Jake and when I arrived at the Molly's he was here, so I met him just to talk.

- Why do you think I wanted to know ?

- Your expression.

- Oh, he answered upset, you're gifted.

- I know, thank you.

The waiter brought the beers for the future couple. Jay thanked him and drank a mouthful. He looked at Erin and saw her still anxious, a little sad.

- Erin, talk to me.

- I talked with Matt about my parents, she drank, because of Jake, I don't talk to them anymore. I made a bad choice. I miss them.

- Why did you have to make a choice ?

- Because my parents hated him and I loved him.

Jay assented. Jake had a bad influence to Erin. He drank thinking about Erin and her parents. He can't imagine a life without his mother so he can't imagine Erin's life.

- What was your frenzy with the sexy blond ?

- The sexy blond is Jake's fantasy.

- I see. Why I don't like this guy ?

She laughed ... A little. Jay made her smile and the way he looked at her ... Incredible. His blue eyes as deep as the ocean. "Stop Erin, you're silly" she thought.

They spent the rest of the afternoon together. They laughed, talked, walked on the Chicago river walk. Jay felt easy with a girl, for the first time. Early evening, he drove her back at her apartment. Once at her home, she took her phone to call Matt but she saw a message, from Jake. She tried to deleted without reading, in vain. She read the message "It's Jake. I'm sorry, I need to see you. What do you think about a dinner in a Chinese  restaurant ? I'll pick you up at 7:30 PM if you agree."

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