chapter sixteen

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JULY 10, 2014.

- Erin, can I ask you something ?

Jay met his girl in the kitchen, the morning. She drank a hot chocolate to start her day.

- I love you and I wan't to be with you, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second and, I mean, live with me.
- Jay...
- I know what you think, we are together since two months and things go fast, but I really want to live with you.

She smirked and walked to him. She put her mug on the table.

- I agree, Jay. We sould live together.

Jay smiled, he was happy to hear that. He really loves Erin and despite the fact that they knew each other since a few months, he knew one thing : he found his woman of his life. He remembered when him and John talked about love and their lives after the war. Jay imagined his life in a big old house, in front of a river, with a big garden. In this house, him and his family ; his wife and his children, a boy and a girl.. Or two girls, or two boys. He didn't know, but he knew he wanted his own family. He saw in Erin, his future life, just like he imagined it.

- Jay, what do you think about ?
- Nothing, he smiled, sell your apartment and live with me.
- Okay, okay.

AUGUST 10, 2014.

- Julia, it's Jay. Eum, I don't know if you see Ryan today and if you see him, tell him to call me back. Anyway, call me back too.

Jay picked up and put his phone on his bed. He sighed. Ryan didn't come at the apartment since two days and no news from him. Erin is on vacation and didn't go to the Chicago Med. She hanged a frame with a photo of her and her parents on the wall. She looked at the photo and smiled, gently.

- I don't like Sara a lot, Erin said.
- She has a bad influence on him, I hate that.
- Jay, I love you, but..., she sat on the bed, do you remember, when Julia invited us for the dinner and you said to your brother, with your deep voice "don't touch her" ? She tried to imitate him, I listen you and let Julia, but you know what ? I think Julia and him will make the cutest couple that I know... After us of course.

Jay laughed. Erin was funny, but she can't imitate someone, she was not good at all.

- I'm serious.
- I know, sorry sweetheart. Eum, you know, I can't imagine John's girlfriend with someone else.
- Jay, Julia loved John, but now... Let her to do what she wants, and for your brother too. Talk to Ryan and see with him.

JULY 2060.
Always in the countryside...

- And ? What about them ? They talked ? The old woman asked.
- They talked, yes, and he understood that this girl had a bad influence, the old man answered.
- What happened next ?
- Only good things...

AUGUST 11, 2014.

Jay and Erin lived together. Julia had some new from Ryan and he was okay. Him and Sara still moved. Julia called back Jay this morning and he asked to meet her at the Molly's, at midday.

- Hello, Julia said, sitting in front of Jay.
- Hey.
- I think, I'm gonna help you, right ?
- Yes, he laughed, I need an advice.
- Go.
- Thanks. As I told you one day, my dad proposed to my mom after six months and... Me and Erin, we know each other from almost four months and... Julia, I'll be honest I can be call back at the front anytime, I signed for this and I don't want to waste time.
- Oh, Jay...
- I want to marry her, but now, I'm afraid to die, I'm afraid to be call back and die on battlefield, and let Erin alone.
- Jay..
- I want to make her happy, not sad, and if... One day, I die, I don't wanna have regrets.
- Ask her to marry you. Be honest with her.
- You think ?
- You know what I think ? I think that you and Erin are like your parents and if you dad was still here, he would happy with your mom. So, do what you want to do while you can.

JULY 2060.

- And ?
- Don't be too curious and let me tell. One thing at a time.

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