chapter five

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        Jay spoke about his decision to his mother and his brother. He knew he made the right decision and his family understood him and to prepare his journey, he will need money. His mother will help him, but he has savings and fortunately because he hates depend on someone. Jay was interrupted by hearing the bell of the door, so he left the kitchen and opened.

- Erin? What are you doing here? Is everything alright?

Jay asked, seeing her cry. He was so worried. The girl dried her cheeks and tried to keep her calm, but it wasn't easy.

- Jake broke up with me a few days ago because he can't live with a girl who can't have a baby. Jay it's unfair, I just...

He took her in his arms on the spur of the moment. She was so sad, so vulnerable, so ... Herself. Erin isn't a strong woman, not since she learns her infertility. She's broken. She cried and cried again, she was inconsolable.

     Erin woke up in Jay's bed, two hours after. She looked around her and saw Jay next to her, watching, on his computer, a trip website. She wasn't sure that he saw her awaking. She looked at him and smiled.

- I'm in your bed, Jay.

Jay looked at Erin and smiled back.

- I always knew it was the best place for you.

Erin sat and looked at a framework with a photo of Jay and his father. She took the photo and smiled. Jay looks so happy, so grateful to be with his father, his hero.

- You were very close you and him, hum ?

He looked at the photo, his father was still there when this photo was taken, he was the happiest and he knew that never he will be happy like he was when his father was alive.

- He was a hero and I hope one day I will be one too.

When Jay pronounced these words, Erin was like... touched and she understood him. She also thought Jay will be a good father, a good person, a role model for the future generations.

- Why you want to run away Jay Halstead ?

- It's a Ryan's idea, I... I need to get away from Chicago, it's not a quiet town for an ex-soldier and I agree with him. Leave Chicago is the best thing to do.

- Maybe, she sighed, and you have an idea of where you'll live ?

- No. I'll see, he looked at Erin and laughed at her,  Have you seen your dark rings under your eyes ? How long did you not slept ?

- Just ... Just shut up, don't even start, she laughed.

They laughed both. Actually, Erin hasn't slept two nights because she cried a lot, but everything was different with Jay. Everything was different with Jay because she knew that he saw for three years was more important than her own little life. If you can have you own baby, you can adopt, but if you see so many horrible things for years, nothing can't fix that because it stays in the mind untill the death, no matter what.

- It's great to be friend with you. I mean, I didn't think it would be like this because a friend, is exactly what I need right now.

Jay was touched by Erin's words and he smiled like an adorable child. Jay liked Erin and Erin liked Jay. He kissed her forehead and put his computer on the floor to join Erin under the bedclothes.

- Oh my god, no !

- Just call me Jay, not God. He said seriously.

- Seriously ? She laughed at him.

He laughed too and put his arm around Erin, put his head in her neck and closed his eyes. She smiled and closed her eyes too. Maybe Jay is right, his bed is the better place for her currently.

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