chapter six

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They were lying together since twenty minutes. They looked like a couple but they were just friends. Erin seemed calm, smiling. They opened their eyes at the same time when Ryan called them. Jay sighed, he was so good with her and, at this moment, he hated his brother more than ... spinach.

- We should go, no ? Asked Erin half-asleep.

- Yeah, we should.

Nobody moved. The time goes fast when they were together and finally Jay opened his blue eyes to watch the time, 11:30 AM.

- Erin ?

No answer. Jay looked at her and noticed she slept. He laughed softly, trying to make no noise. He separated from Erin and met his brother.

- You called me ? Asked Jay going into the living room.

- Yeah, but I don't need you anymore. After 10 minutes without seeing you...

- I'm sorry.

- It's your birthday and you gonna to sleep all the day ?

- Shut up. Erin isn't okay.

- Always Erin hum.

- You always have to top whatever I say, said Jay, nervous.

- Calm down, Jay. I wasn't serious.

Jay left the living room right in front of Ryan's eyes.

- And happy birthday, Jay. Ryan sighed exasperated.

Jay met Erin in his bedroom and he stopped when he saw her slept, again. She looked like a sweet angel, adorable and pretty so he smiled, again and again. He entered in his bedroom and closed the door without a noise. He took his computer and sat at his desk. He still searched on a trip website during several hours... Three. During his research, he looked at Erin to check if she still asleep.

- Hum, Jay ?

He looked up at Erin who just woke up and sat down with her. They looked at each other during a few seconds.

- What about me ?

He frowned. He didn't understand what she meant.

- If you leave, what will I become ? I will be alone.

- Erin, no. It will get better with Jake.

She seemed sad. Jay knew that it will not get better with Jake because he knew those guys.

- I live alone but I know I have you and ... No, I just have you now. So if you leave, I will be totally alone.

- What about your family, your friends ?

She sighed. She never talked about her family and to be honest, it wasn't in her plans.

- My family lives in North Carolina. I don't talk to them anymore.

- I'm sorry. But you're not alone, you have a lots of friends.

Erin talked about her friends. Especially the firefighters and the paramedics. They are like her family. Her second family. As soon as Erin spoke, Jay doubted. He wasn't sure about his trip. He also understood that to leave or not to leave Chicago will be a decision to make again.

- I'll see. I need a break, you can understand ?

Erin lowered her eyes. She knew she was selfish but she was also afraid of being alone. She apologized for her behavior and left Jay's house without a word.

- What a birthday.

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