chapter ten

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     When Erin met Jay, she succumbed to the charm of him. To be honest, who wouldn't succumb ? She found he was generous, kind. He also had a slight shyness. Astonishingly, she wanted to see him again but she had Jake. Jake, the perfect boyfriend. At this time, she was in love with him like in the beginning. Sometimes, Jake wasn't nice with her, but she stayed with him. When she met Jake, she was an addict and he saved her so she was grateful to him. Jay was different.

- And if  you stayed with Jake, during all this time, because he saved you ?
- What ?

Erin was with Matt. She called him after her conversation with Ryan, so Matt, as a good friend, met Erin at the coffee. 

- When you met Jake, you was an addict, waiting for a rehab,  but remember you didn't really want because except your parents, you had no one. I also remember when Shay and Dawson helped you because you had overdosed. You had nothing. No money, no help. Your parents knew nothing because you lied to perfection. Then, Jake arrived.
- Matt...
- You owe him nothing. Do you hear me ? Nothing, he insisted.

Erin hesitated, but Matt was right. She stayed with Jake because he saved her, but today, she is what she is because of her, not Jake.

- Neither Shay nor Severide, tell you the opposite. Trust me.

She sighed. She thought about Jay. He said he wanted something serious with her, that's not a "I love you" but it's a beginning.

- I cancelled my trip for her !
- Jay, I know.

Jay was still furious against Erin and Jake. How could she do that ? He didn't understand, he was lost.

- You had illusions about her, Jay and you know, maybe you liked her more than a friend because you haven't seen a girl for a long time.
- That is what I thought, but it's different. It's like to have butterflies in the stomach you know ? I was sincere when I said I want something serious with her. It may be to early to say I have real romantic feelings for her, but I'm sure it's...
- I get it, he interrupted.

MAY 2, 2014.

         Days passed and neither Jay nor Erin made the first move. Erin missed Jay and Jay missed Erin. Everyday, Jay hesitated to call her, but he was mad with her. He reflected about what he really wanted with Erin and it was the same ; he wanted something serious. He was disappointed with her behavior. Since two days, for want of travel, he looked for a small appartment in Chicago. He fell for a appartment in Maxwell. It was in a new building, at the third floor. According to the photos, the appartment had a stunning view, especially the night. He viewed the appartment yesterday and he was more and more sure. He want this appartment. He heard footsteps to his bedroom.

- Ryan ?

The door opened and it wasn't Ryan, but Erin. Jay smiled and stood up.

- Hey... She said.

He went to her and took her in his arms. He was happy to see her after several days. He let her go and both sat on the bed. Erin told all about her and Jake, how she met him and all that followed. He listened her with attention. More Erin spoke, more Jay felt bad. He thought he had been so stupid to ignore her and not having called.

- I'm sorry, Erin. I'm really sorry. We aren't a couple and I didn't have the right to react just as I did.

She looked at him and stroked her cheek gently.  She bit her lip before kissed him. She wanted to do that. Jay prolonged the kiss lengthening Erin. He stopped the kiss.

- Sorry, I... If you don't want,  he began.
- It's okay. I want.

He smiled and kissed her again.

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