chapter seven

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APRIL 26, 2014.

      Jay met Erin in her kitchen with a little smile on his face. He put his hand on his conquest's hips and kissed her neck, she shivered.

- Morning pretty girl.

Erin took some empty beers and showed it to Jay.

- I found the guilty of that night. She laughed.

- We had a good time, no ?

- But, it wasn't predicted.

She threw out the beers and sighed. Jay looked at her and lowered his eyes, comprising. For Erin, slept with Jay was a mistake, a big mistake.

- I see. I gotta go.

- Jay. Don't be mad.

- Come on Erin, I'm a serious guy and all I want it's not just have sex with you. Jay said.

- I have Jake.

- Yeah ? Where ? Because I don't see him !

Erin turned her back on Jay. He stood behind her and put his arms around her. Erin held his hand and closed her eyes, enjoying this moment. She loved to be with Jay but Jake ... Jake wasn't here anymore and Jay was right. So she thought about this last night. At the beginning, it was just a dinner, but Jay brought some beers and when Erin drinks, she babbles incoherently and makes crazy things. To recap, she's not herself when she drinks. It was just a dinner. Just their last night before Jay's trip because they knew both, Jay will not have time to devote to Erin. It was just a dinner, a dinner that went out of control, but it would be a lie if Erin said she didn't like. She liked. Jay liked. Both liked. At this thought, Erin smiled.

- Why are you smiling like that Erin Lindsay ? He asked with a little smile on his face.

- What do you think about a non-official relationship ?

- Explain.

- Three words. Friends with benefits.

- Hum ?

- Friends with benefits. We slept together until you leave.

- You will be heart-broken.

Erin faced up to Jay. She looked at him and crossed her arms. The way they looked at each other was intense. He smirked and kissed her. Erin went with the flow and let Jay to take the control. He pinned her against the wall and continued to kiss her, after a few seconds, Erin stopped all.

- We can't.

Jay looked at her, disappointed.

- Of course, we can. Erin. Seriously, you asked me to be your sex friend and after you change your mind.

- I asked mindlessly. Are you in love with me ? She asked after a gap.

- What ?

- Sorry. I'm stupid. You should go to your home. It's late.


Erin cleared her apartment and threw out all reminders with her and Jake. She became aware of her break-up with him. Now, she's alone. She thought about what she asked  Jay "Are you in love with me ?". She asked that because she saw his way to look at her and that makes her  doubt. She liked Jay as a friend, a good friend. That's all. After all, Jay hadn't seen girls for three years, he could love a goat. "Erin, you're stupid.", she thought. "You can have fun with a guy and you refuse. It's because you still love Jake, but be pretty sure Jake have fun with his ex." Oh yeah, Jake's ex is a real character, she is crazy about him and did everything to break Erin and Jake's relationship, but she's also sexy and blond. Erin has always been in competition with her, with Lauren. She was pretty sure if she introduced Lauren to Jay, all will change. She took her phone and sent a message to Jay "If I introduce you a sexy blond, tall, very pretty. Will you sleep with her ? Or will you have the idea? I need to know."

When Jay received Erin's message, he played at video games with his brother. The first thought he had was like "Okay, she's weird." but he played the game and answered "Sorry, no because I agree to be your sex friend, friend with benefits, no matter how you named that. Let's have fun !" 

- Erin ? Cheeky boy. 

Jay laughed and explained all the night to Ryan who listened carefully. He was happy to see his brother happy, but he knew that everything will end up when he will leave Chicago and he told Jay about it. So, Jay took his phone, left the bedroom and called Erin.

- Hey Erin, can you meet me at the Molly's in 30 minutes ? We need to talk.

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