chapter thirteen - part two

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     A/N : Hilarie Burton is Julia. Enjoy!

     Erin met Jay and Julia at a small snack. She sat next to Jay and opposite to Julia. He looked at Julia et snodned. She put a fine case on the table. Erin frowned and took the file. She opened and looked through. She saw a photo of her parents, a civil status certificate, an address and a phone number. She didn't understand and closed the file. She drank her glass of water and didn't speak. The two new friends looked at Erin, waiting a answer, but no one came. She looked away, thinking about the file.

- I know a friend, like me, who works in North Carolina, Julia said.

Erin didn't answer.

- Erin say something.

She turned her head to Jay. She took her hand and kissed his cheek.

- Thank you.

He was surprised, but he smiled and kissed her forehead, a sign protection. He'll always be there for her.

- Erin, at the Molly's, it was a stupid misunderstanding, I don't wanna sleep with Jay.

Erin listened Julia who told all the story, John, Jay, the front, the deadshot, all. She finished the story and drank her glass of water.

- As luck would have it, isn't it ? Asked Jay to Erin.

Erin smiled, gently and nodded, but she felt bad about her crisis. They ordered three hot dogs and waited in silence. Nobody talked. 

- I know a nice place in Chicago, began Julia, you should go, one day.
- Maybe, Erin said.
- It's the Navy Pier (photo in media). It's a pier, built during the first world war and now it's a tourist attraction. I visited this place with John, once, she smiled, it was incredible. There is Ferris wheel and when you are on the top, you can see the city. It's beautiful !
- It's looks like, yeah, Erin answered, looking Jay, first date at the Navy Pier ?
- Yes, why not, he smiled.
- I have two tickets, I had to go with John, but...
- We can't accept, Julia. I can't accept because of yesterday. I insulted you !
- Yeah, she laughed, but it's okay. I'll bring the tickets to Erin, where do you work ?
- At the Chicago Med. My shift ends at 5PM, she answered.
- I'll bring you the tickets tonight, I need to talk to you.
- Okay, no problem.


     Erin put her clothes on in the locker room and left the hospital. Julia was in front of. She met Erin and gave the tickets.

- Thank you. You wanna talk, right ?
- Yes.

Julia sat on a bench with Erin.

- Yesterday, Jay talked about you. He was sad because you wasn't here.
- He didn't receive my message ?
- What message ? Julia asked, confused, I don't think. He checked his phone and didn't talk about a message.
- Oh. So, all is a misunderstanding.
- Yeah, I think. You know, I don't want meddle in things that are none of my business, but do you love him ?
- I think, yes. I also think it's too early to say if I really love him, but I feel so good with you.
- That's cute, she smiled, Jay is a good guy.
- That's what I think when I look at him.
- Eum, and Jake ?

Erin looked away. She forgot him. She should talk with him.

- Jay wants to know. He has a doubt, and... No I can't.
- What ?
- Nothing.
- Julia !

Julia stood up and took her bag. She knew something but, it was a secret.

- Stay. Please. Tell me.

She sat and put her bag.

- Jay found an apartment in Maxwell, next to the firehouse.
- Yeah ?
- Where Jake works.
- I know.
- He is afraid, because he wants you, moving with him. Not now, but one day. And when he was drunk, he said : "I'm afraid because Jake works at the firehouse next to my apartment and maybe he'll waiting Erin, in front of my building and he'll tell he loves her and I'll lost her", she finished, he raved, she laughed.

Erin smiled and thought he was cute. She had to reassure him and when Julia talked, she understood that she loved him more than a friend. It wasn't just a flirting, it was more. 

     Erin and Jay were at Navy Pier. This place is beautiful, just like Julia said. Jay held Erin's head and they walked. They arrived in front of the Ferris Wheel. They got up in the gondola and sat. The technician checked the security before the gondola raised.

- I can't wait to see the view on the top, Jay said.
- Me too.

They looked the incredible view. Erin turned her head and looked his face details. So many freckles.  She smiled.

- Jay ?

He turned his head.

- I'll talk to Jake and I'll said to him I don't need and love him anymore. He's a jerk.
- Thank you.

He kissed her forehead, smiling.

- Anything you want.

A/N : read the A/N after the chapter (last publication). And what do you think about Julia ?

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