chapter twenty

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MARCH 29, 2016.

- Guess who come back today ? Yeah baby, Daddy will come home for good now.

Erin talked and smiled to Malia who was on the playpen. Malia played with his teddy bear/cuddly toy named Rose by Erin. Erin couldn't be more happy because his husband is back for good today. Yeah, he's back. Just at the thought of it, she smiled and wanted to jump in the apartment, but she can't because her daughter was here and, she will probably break something.

- Stay calm, okay ? I back.

Erin went into the bathroom. She put a small floral dress, made herself up and brushed her hair during almost one hour. Meantime, she checked if Malia was okay. Jay arrived with Ryan in ten minutes max. She was nervous. She didn't know why but, she was.

- Hello everybody ! Ryan exclaimed, happy, Guess who's there ?

Erin left the bathroom and went in Jay's arms, instictively. She closed her eyes and appreciated this perfect moment, Jay did the same. He was happy to be with his family. He let her and took Malia in his arms.

- Hey baby girl.

Malia smiled, hearing her father's voice. Suddenly, Malia cried, maybe she thought her father will leave one day and let them alone, one more time.

- It's okay princess, I'm not going anywhere now. I stay with you and your mom. Okay ?

He kissed her forehead and put her in the playpen. He turned and looked at Erin.

- You are beautiful.

Erin smiled and went again in his arms. They missed each other, a lot.


Jay remembered exactly the first day he met her, the first word, the first smile, the first hug, the first kiss, the wedding, all. He thought he will have a beautiful and amazing life and he got it. He got a beautiful and amazing life. Five years after Malia's birth, Jay and Erin had a baby boy, named Stan like Jay's father. Years passed and Jay became a cop, a good cop, Malia became a teacher. Stan didn't follow his dad and worked as an architect. Then, things change for Erin, Jay and all the family. Erin lost her memory, little by little. Fifty years and the alzheimer's disease, but Jay made a promise to his wife : remember everyday who is she, who is he, her life, her friends, all. That's why he does, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second, everytime. No matter what, Jay loves Erin. He loves her more than anything. He loved her his entire life and he still loves her, even if she doesn't remember him. He is still here. He stays with her. He talks with her. He lives with her. That is what we call the true love, and true love still exists when you find the good person. Erin found the good one. He was a soldier, who could die anytime. She could let him, but she didn't . She stayed and now, it was Jay's turn to stay.


JULY 2060 (now)

The old man closes his diary and looks at the woman in her bed, in front of him.

- This is the end, he said.
- It was a beautiful story.
- It was a true story you know.

The old woman frowned.

- I don't understand ...

The old man stands up, put his diary on the table, he smiles gently, and tells :

- I kept my promise, Erin.


Guys, that how the book ends. I hope you liked all the book, Erin, Jay and the others. It was a pleasure to write this story so thank you to read it. It's not over for me, as you know, I have another book "dear you". Thank for followed me on this book. If you have some questions, just ask me. I love you all x

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