chapter nineteen

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FEBRUARY 20, 2015.

Jay and the others soldiers were on one of those poor countries where the war frightened everyone. Armed, they walked between all the people and kept a close eye on the shanty town. Enemies could hide anywhere. Between two "houses", even in a house... Everywhere. Jay stopped when he heard a suspicious noise. He turned to a house, he walked, slowly, ready to shoot. He opened the curtain who be used for a door. He entered and looked around him. False alert. He sighed, eased. He smiled to the little girl, alone in this house.

JULY 2060.

- Those people... They have a happy ending, right ?
- I don't really know, the old man answered, it's not easy.
-When he came back ?
- For his child's birth.

JUNE, 29 2015.

Erin was on the bed at the hospital. She looked at his daughter. She had given birth, alone. Jay wasn't here. Julia, Ryan and her parents was present, but not Jay and Jay is important.

- I'm so tired.
- Sleep two hours, I stay with baby Halstead, Ryan said, smiling.

Everybody in the room turned their heads when they heard the door. It was him. Oh no, it wasn't Jay this time, but Jake. He was back.

- Hey Erin.
- Jake.

She wasn't happy to see him, but she wasn't furious. She smiled slowly to him, he got closer of the bed and looked at the baby girl.

- I thought you couldn't have a baby, Jake started.
- That's what I thought too, but 10 months ago, my doctor called me and told me about my test results about my infertily...
- So ?
- You see, they were wrong. A stupid server problem, she laughed slowly, a stupid server problem.
- It makes our couple bad.
- Yeah, that's true, but Jake, I regret nothing, I have Jay and this baby girl. My life is great if we forget the war.
- Yeah, I heard about that. I mean, Severide told me about this.
- Eum, yeah.
- I'm happy for you, Erin, really, he smiled gently.
- Thank you, she answered simply.

Jake looked the baby girl, one last time and left the room. He bumped into Jay. Jay frowned when he saw his wife's ex.

-What are you doing here ? Jay asked aggressively.
- Dude, it's okay. I leave. No problem, please.

He said and left without let Jay answer. Jay sighed and entered into the room. Of course, everybody was surprised to see him here, in Chicago, in the room, alive.

- Oh my god, Jay...

She was ready to cry. Jay was alive and she wasn't alone anymore. He took his wife in his loving arms.

- Okay, guys. We let you, Julia said, good to see you Jay.

Julia, Ryan and Erin's parents left the room to let the new family together. Jay let Erin to carry his beautiful daughter. He took his little hand and smiled. She seems like Erin.

- She doesn't have a name, Erin said.
- Eum... Where I kept a close, it was on a shanty town and I entered in a house because there was a ennemy, you know, and I see a little girl, named Malika and, from her ten years, she talked about the war, and love and it was so comforting because she believes in peace and love and all the beautiful things. Maybe, we can name our daughter in relation to this little girl.

Erin smiled, this story was beautiful and she was eased that someone believed in peace despite the war.

- You mean, like an american version ? Like... Malia ? It sounds like Malika.
- I can't be more agree with you Erin Halstead.

He kissed his beautiful wife, smiling.

- When you leave ?
- In two days, for only nine months, Erin, after those months, it's over for good and I will take care of my family
- Nine months ? She asked, she wasn't to get over it with this new.
- Baby... I'm sorry, nine months it's much but, take a lot of photos, videos of our daughter and we'll watch it together when I'll back, okay ?
- Okay Jay.
- I love you.
- I love you too.


Hey guys. I don't want to finish this book quickly, but ... I think the chapter 20 will be the last. I hope you liked this chapter and this book x

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