chapter eleven

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      Jay and Erin were huddled against each other. They were happy. Erin slept, she was tired. Jay put the bedcover on Erin and got off the bed. He put his boxers again and met Ryan in his bedroom.

- Hey.

Ryan looked at his brother and smirked. He switched off his television.

- So ? You and Erin are together ? Is it serious.
- We take our time, Jay answered.
- Yeah. That's exactly what I do when I take my time with a girl. I sleep with her... Twice.
- Just... Just shut up. I need an advice.
- About what ? Your candom size ?
- Stop, he laughed, I found an apartment, in Maxwell next to the firehouse. You know, the new building.
- Yeah, yeah, and ?
- I'll visit it tomorrow and...
- I come, he interrupted.
- 2PM. Don't be late or I kill you.

Ryan laughed and kicked Jay out, still laughing. They were closed since their dad's death. He returned in his bedroom and took his phone and checked his messages.

- Hey pretty boy.
- Shut up, I text my wife.

Erin, awoke, threw a pillow on Jay, he laughed and threw an other pillow.

- I hate you Jay Halstead.
- No, you love me. I'm 100% sure.
- Hum, maybe, she hesitated, I'm sure I love your body, she smirked.

He looked at her and looked down. Erin didn't understand his react and frowned. She held the bedcover and sat.

- Jay ?
- How can you love it ? Do you see the scars I have ?
- Oh, Jay... It's a part of you, now. Those scars define who you are and what you fighted.
- Maybe...
- Listen me. I'm right, she looked a scar on his shoulder, what is the story of this one ?
- This one ? he looked the scar, my first bullet. It was hurt. This one, he showed the scar on his chest, it was the last year, we were in a small village, a slum. We didn't see the enemy on the battlefield and bam. I had a bulletproof vest, so I was sure I would survive but I suffered.
- Hum... And this one, Jay ? She touched the scar on his back.
- Stab.
- Oh. And this one ? She smirked touching a mark on his neck.
- Seriously ? he laughed, it's your hickey.
- Good answer, she smiled.
- Thank you.
- For what ? She frowned.
- For being there for me.
- Always, she kissed his neck, smiling.
- So, is it serious ? You and me.
- Not now, I need to get everything clear with Jake.
- Erin...
- I don't love him anymore. It's over. I think I stayed with him because I was indebted to him, that's what I thought before I met you.
- You know, when my engagement ended, I thought I will be alone and you arrived. Do you believe in fate ? He looked at her.
- I don't know. I think if some things happen, it's because they have to happen, you know.
- Yeah, I see.

Erin smiled and took her sweater and her panties and put it again before getting out of bed.

- Three appointments.
- What ? Erin frowned, confused.
- We'll have three appoitments before make love, have sex, call that as you want, and after that, we are in serious relationship. You choose all appointments, to be sure you want it too.
- Okay, deal. Three appointments.

Erin was about to kiss Jay, but he refused.

- Three appointements, Erin.
- Seriously ? Oh Jay come on !
- No.

He smirked and left the bedroom, she followed him, laughing. Ryan saw them and smiled. He was happy for his brother, but he realized he missed Sara, his ex-fiancée...

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