= 4: cookies =

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"That has got to be, the most excruciating thing I ever will go through in the history of things I'm going through," Beomgyu said, fitting the shirt over his head. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad," I scoffed, sitting on the couch, "You seemed to enjoy chasing Hyuka around."

"Okay I admit that was fun," Beomgyu replied, "But that's besides the point."

"Also," I said, gesturing to the bandage which was still on my face, "This is not okay."

I showed him the scratches he left on my leg, "Neither are these! No more biting me or my friends. Got it?"

Beomgyu mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms defiantly.

"Hey, let's let bygones be bygones, alright?" I said, getting up from the couch.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cookies from the pantry. I poured us two glasses of milk. I set two cookies in front of Beomgyu on a small napkin and grabbed three for myself.

"How come I only get two and you get three?" Beomgyu complained, while I handed him a glass of milk.

"Because too much sugar isn't good for you," I said, sitting down on the couch.

"Says the one having three cookies," Beomgyu scowled, taking a sip of the milk.

"Well I mean I'm a human and you're a dragon pretending to be a human," I replied, "There's a difference, you know."

"I'm not your pet, you can't bribe me with cookies," Beomgyu mumbled, taking a bite out of the cookie.

"Wait this is really good," He admitted, eating the cookie.

"See? It's sweet, right?" I said, Beomgyu quickly finishing it off and eating the other.

"Try dipping it in the milk," I suggested, "It's pretty goo- nevermind, I guess you finished it all."

I gave him one more cookie, but he ended up finishing it as soon as I handed it to him. He asked me for one more, but I refused.

"Okay, that's too many for today." I said, putting the box away, "No more cookies for either of us."

"C'mon Yeonjun! I did something for you today, all I'm asking for is one more of those little cookie things," He bargained, pouting and making puppy eyes, "Pleeeease?"

"No! We both had three, so it's even," I refused, "I'll give you some more later, but not now, okay? You can't eat all these cookies in one day otherwise I'll have to buy a new box."

"THEY COME IN BOXES!?" Beomgyu exclaimed, "LIKE WHOLE BOXES?!"

He drew a box with his hands, a shocked expression still on his face.

"Like this kind of box?"

"That's a crate, but no they're kind of small compared to those," I replied, getting up from the couch. I grabbed the box of cookies, showing him.

"They're about this big," I explained, and laughed, "If they were any bigger I don't think they would fit on the store shelves."

"Can I see the box? I wanna see how big it is!" He reached for the box of cookies, but I held it away from him.

"Nice try, but you're not getting any more cookies," I scoffed.


Later that night, I found a few spare pillows and blankets. Walking out to the living room, I carefully them up on the couch, making a nice little bed. I fluffed the light yellow pillow and propped it against the armrest of the couch, making sure it was comfortable.

"Beomgyu!" I called, looking around, "Where'd you go?"

The pantry door opened, and Beomgyu peeked out from behind the door.

"You called?" He asked in a small voice. He saw the blankets I set up on the bed and excitedly hurried over.

"What's this for?" He asked, holding up the blanket and wrapping himself in it.

"I figured us sharing a bed would be too cramped," I explained, "I just thought you would prefer having your own little bed out here."

"Also, were you stealing food from the pantry?" I asked, crossing my arms. Beomgyu hopped onto the couch, laying his head on the pillow.

"I couldn't get the boxes open," He mumbled, adjusting the blanket on himself, "But I do like this bed, it's very comfortable."

He settled into the couch, adjusting the blanket so it was up to his neck.

"You don't have to sleep if you're not tired-" I commented, "I was just setting it up for later tonight-"

"But what if I am tired?" Beomgyu retaliated, "Can I sleep?"

"I mean- You don't have to ask," I replied, "If you're tired then I mean go ahead I'm not going to stop you-"

Beomgyu ended up falling asleep a few minutes later, it was still rather early in the night and I still wasn't tired. Not wanting to bother Beomgyu, I took my phone and decided to go back into my room. Quietly, I shut the door behind me.



"Taehyun, I think I did something illegal," Yeonjun said over the phone. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked, setting my phone on my desk. I walked over to the curtains in my room, opening them up a little so I could get a nice view of the nighttime outside.

"What if I bought the dragon egg from a bad place?" Yeonjun asked quietly, "Am I going to be in trouble? I didn't need a license to have a dragon, did I?"

"A license?" I asked, standing near the window, "You signed all the papers, didn't you? Technically that counts, since you didn't buy from those pet stores."

Yeonjun stayed quiet, while I grabbed the spray bottle on my desk. I walked over to my potted plant near the windowsill.

"Besides, why are you asking that?" I asked out loud, giving my plant a couple spritzes of water, "Are you two not getting along or something?"

"No, no," Yeonjun replied, "We're doing fine, he's actually asleep right now- I was just thinking about what you told me about the other day."

I paused, raising an eyebrow.

"Was it about the whole dragons being human thing?" I asked, setting the spray bottle down, "I thought I told you that's not possible. You wouldn't be able to keep one as a pet, it would just outsmart you and leave."

Yeonjun hummed in response. I scoffed, closing my bedroom curtains and taking the spray bottle. Walking over to my other plant on my desk, I also gave a couple spritzes.

"Taehyun, are you sure it's not possible for dragons to become human?" I heard Yeonjun ask quietly. I raised an eyebrow.

"From what I know, it's not possible," I replied, "Unless you did some kind of spell on it but even so, that probably wouldn't last long."

"But what if it turned human by itself?" Yeonjun asked, "Like- hypothetically what if-"

I heard the front door open, Hueningkai come in with bags of stuff.

"I GOT THE CHOCCY MILK!" I heard him yell from the kitchen. Yeonjun stopped talking, and laughed.

"I'll stop bothering you Taehyun, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright, I'll talk to you soon Yeonjun!" I smiled, and hung up.

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