=9: rainy day with gyu =

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aaa i love writing about rainy days , i wish it rained more where i lived ngl ;-; i listened to a lot of rain sounds while working on this chapter :D

also this is probably one of my favorite chapters in the story so far :")  



The next day, it began to rain heavily outside. I had an umbrella, but Beomgyu didn't have one. Not wanting him to get drenched, I decided we were going to stay home that day.

That afternoon, Beomgyu and I were playing chess while hearing the pitter pattering of the rain hitting the window outside. Beomgyu was a lot better at chess than I expected.

"You suck at this game," He scoffed, moving his piece on the black and white board.

"I know," I laughed, resting my cheek in my palm, "I've never really had anyone to play it with, other than Taehyun. I'm out of practice."

I picked up one of my pieces, looking over the board again. His king was in the open. Carefully, I placed my piece in its spot and laughed.

"Hah! Check," I said proudly, Beomgyu quickly looking over the board. He picked up one of his pieces, moving it and replacing mine.

"Checkmate," He snickered, "I'll give you that one, Yeonjun, you didn't do horrible. But you still can't beat me!"

I rolled my eyes, "Alright alright, let's play something else. What do you want to do?"

Beomgyu let out a "hmm", and shrugged.

"I honestly don't know, whatever you're up for," He replied, "Is there anything you wanted to do? We've been playing board games all morning."

"Ooh! I have an idea," I suggested, "Do you want me to dye your hair? You could dye mine if you want, I'll show you how! It's just a suggestion though."

Beomgyu's expression lit up, and he eagerly nodded. We went to the bathroom, I checked under the sink cabinets to see which colors I had. I laid out all the options on the counter. I had pink, light blue, a little bit of yellow left, and still a lot of brown or black hair color.

I showed Beomgyu all the options, he picked up and looked at each one.

"You should dye your hair silver like mine!" He suggested, and gasped.

"What if you did like a rainbow or something? With the pink, blue, and yellow?" He asked eagerly, putting those three colors aside.

"Do you think that would look good on me?" I asked, Beomgyu nodding eagerly. He set the blue, yellow, and pink aside.

"Either the blue or the yellow," He said indecisively, "Both would go well with the pink and it'll be like those little marshmallows I saw at the store yesterday."

"The pink is a little bright," I admitted, "It might not go well with the bright yellow or blue-"

"You'll definitely stand out with the colors then," Beomgyu reasoned, "I think it'll look great on you! Either that or black. I think black would be nice."

He ruffled his hair and looked in the mirror, "What color should I dye mine? Would the color even show up right?"

I shrugged, digging through the lower cabinets. I grabbed out some other supplies such as two bowls and a couple brushes.

"I'm not sure if it'll show up on you, but you could try black or brown," I replied, "Did you decide which color for me?"

Beomgyu hummed, showing me the black hair dye.

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