= 17: business =

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Ayo this chapter is gonna be kinda short compared to my usual ones but i didnt know what else to addsjdbfkjsdf 

anyways enjoy and dont forget to drink water :D



The minute Hueningkai left for work that day, Yeosang came back and asked to talk with me now that he was gone. Unwillingly, I agreed and let him in. He walked to the kitchen table, sitting down on the opposite side.

"I hate you so much," I scowled, sitting down at the kitchen table. Yeosang shrugged, leaning his cheek in his palm nonchalantly.

"I know."

"I never pressured you to help, I just asked," He replied with a smile. I sighed, gripping the edge of the table tightly.

"It feels like you pressured me, it always feels like you passive aggressively ask for things," I mumbled under my breath. Yeosang ignored me, leaning both of his elbows on the table.

"I'll make this nice and simple for you, alright?" He bargained, "All you need to do, is bring the dragon to us. It shouldn't be too much work, right? It's small enough for you to pick up, and it's bright enough for you to see. It's a metallic one, most of the time we see it in the evening wandering around."

I let out a light laugh, "Simple enough that San, Mingi, and Seonghwa couldn't get him? You guys have really lost your touch."

"Oh shut up," Yeosang scowled, "When was the last time you trapped one, hm? All we need is for you to bring it to us, you're more familiar with the area than we are. Plus, you're better with dragons than them."

Hesitant, I shook my head and refused. I knew it was Beomgyu they were referring to. I have no reason to help them and I would end up with the short end of the stick-- A devastated Yeonjun, and a missing Beomgyu. Neither of which I could bare to deal with. Neither of which I wanted to deal with. 

I looked up at Yeosang. 

"I'm not going to help you. I can't."

"You're not?"

I shook my head, "I'm not going to hurt my friends. I already told you, I've stopped a long time ago and I left it behind me. Just-- stop asking me, okay?"

Yeosang scoffed, "Oh please, you were sixteen when you quit, I bet you barely knew what you were talking about then."

He paused, "And what did you mean by friends? You know the dragon we've been chasing after?"

"I don't," I lied, and took a deep breath, "But I'm still not going to bring him to you just for you to sell him off. I would never do that."

"Come on Taehyun, this isn't just a regular dragon we're talking about," Yeosang replied, "You realize we could be rich? You and your friend won't have to live in a small apartment and you could live with us!"

"I'd rather live in a rusty shack than live with you and the others," I spat, "Just leave me alone, I've told you multiple times that I'm not going to help and you will neve-"

"What about your friend you live with, hm?"

I paused.

"You leave Hueningkai out of this, this is between you and me."

Yeosang chuckled, and smiled at me.

"So that's his name, Hueningkai?"

"I said leave him out of this," I hissed.

"What's he going to think when he hears about our little chat?" He pressured, "How you backed down on an opportunity to have more money- just because you didn't want to do one simple, little thing?"

I stiffened, and shook my head. I gripped the table tightly and huffed.

"He's not going to know about this, and I'm making sure of it," I said firmly, "Just leave him out of this, alright? I-It's none of his business anyway. This is— personal matters, he doesn't need to know"

"And you better not tell him a thing about this, alright?" I demanded, Yeosang shrugged casually.

I scowled, but Yeosang persisted. He smiled at me, crossing his legs.

"What if he finds out about what you've done in the past? I could always just- tell him, you know," Yeosang smirked, "You know, about the-"

"Shut up!" I snapped, the grew tense again, "Just shut up! It's in the past and you don't need to keep bringing it up!"

We sat there in silence, Yeosang looking at me with a hint of confidence. I sighed shakily, resting my hands in my lap.

"So, are you in or not?"

I hesitated again, and didn't dare to meet his eyes.

"Just— Give me some time to think about it," I replied, interlacing my fingers solemnly.

"Well we don't have all day, I'm going to need an answer from you as soon as possible," Yeosang said firmly, tapping his hand impatiently on the table.

"Then I answer 'no'," I replied, leaning back in my chair, "You leave my friends alone and go find someone else."

Yeosang raised an eyebrow, leaning forward on the table.

"You say 'friends' as in you know them," He spoke softly, resting his hand on his chin again.

I scoffed, and dismissed what I said, "I call a lot of people 'friends', that doesn't mean I know them. Don't jump to conclusions like that."

Yeosang let out a small laugh.

"It's funny how you expect me to believe you," He replied with a smile, "That makes you even more helpful to us. And more vulnerable, no?"

I clenched my fists, and huffed. Still, I denied they were my friends.

"You know, Taehyun," Yeosang told me, "You can't hide your past forever, and you can't hide anything from me. I can read you like a book."

I stayed silent.

"If you don't bring the dragon we'll just get him ourself." Yeosang continued, and huffed, "So... I'll ask you again, Taehyun..."

I looked up at him worriedly, hiding my trembling hands under my table as I knew what he was going to ask next.

"Are you going to help us?"

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