= 20: friendship/betrayal =

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"Should we head back?" Beomgyu asked in a small voice, "I'm not familiar with this area... I think Yeonjun would be out by now—"

Taehyun hesitated, leading him down the street a little further then stopped. He looked around anxiously, pulling the other closer to him. They had walked down the street for quite some time, arriving near an old building that was fenced off.

"Beomgyu, I'm sorry," He whispered under his breath, "You'll be okay, I promise I'll get you back home safe and sound..."

The other looked at him, confused. Beomgyu lightly nudged the other, still anxiously glancing around.

"Taehyun? Are we heading back?" He looked around, staying close to the other, "Where are we?"

He looked down shamefully, and sighed deeply.

"A place where Yeonjun's not going to find you," He said slowly, letting go of the other. Beomgyu tilted his head in confusion, perking up at the sound of footsteps.

"What are you talking abou—"

Suddenly San jumped out from his hiding spot, grabbing Beomgyu roughly. Beomgyu yelped, squirming and kicking under the other's grip.

"Taehyun help me!" He called, looking up at the other with tears brimming in his eyes. Taehyun was completely frozen, he couldn't get himself to move as he watched fearfully.

Taehyun closed his eyes, looking away from the sight and hiding his shaking hands in his pockets.

Beomgyu's expression sank seeing the other not move a muscle. He squeezed his eyes shut, biting his attacker right on the arm. The other hissed in pain, Beomgyu shoving him off. He scrambled back to his feet and in a bright flash of light, shifted back to a dragon.

Yeosang came out of hiding, Beomgyu backing away from them fearfully. Beomgyu quickly turned around and ran as fast as he could down the pavement. Suddenly, Taehyun grabbed his tail and lifted him up, their sorrowful eyes meeting.

"I'm sorry Beomgyu," He sighed, "I know apologizing isn't going to do anything.. but—"

Suddenly, Beomgyu wriggled himself free, landing on the pavement with a harsh thud. He staggered back up shakily, when San picked him back up.

"Now now Beomgyu, we're not letting you get away this easily," He tutted, Yeosang walking over to their catch.

"Hand him to me," Taehyun said firmly, "We had a deal that I'd do all the handling, now hand him over."

"And let you get all of the credit?" The other scoffed, scooping up the small dragon and holding him. Taehyun scowled and clenched his fists.

"San, give him to me," Taehyun growled, "I did all the work. Hand him over. Or else—"

Taehyun's phone started rigging from his pocket. Quietly he took it out to see Yeonjun was calling.

"Or I'll tell Yeonjun you all are here," Taehyun threatened, showing them the phone, "So make your choice."

"Oh no, Yeonjun, I'm sooOo scared of Yeonju—"

Suddenly, Beomgyu jabbed him with the sharp end of his barbed tail. San yelped, dropping him immediately. He growled when the other tried to pick him back up.

While Yeosang and San were trying to get closer to Beomgyu, Taehyun took his phone out and answered the call.

"Yeonjun— Hey—"

"Taehyun? I lost Beomgyu again," The other said frantically, "I'm looking around near my workplace but he's not there... I-... could really use your help."

Taehyun lowered the phone from his ear and gulped. He sighed, bringing it back to his ear.

"Listen.. I know where he is," Taehyun sighed, "He's with me. Just— come over quick, I messed up really bad."

Beomgyu snapped his teeth at Yeosang's hand, his wings unfolded and poised.

Taehyun quickly gave where they were, telling Yeonjun to get there as quickly as he could. Not even giving Yeonjun a chance to respond, Taehyun hung up and grabbed Beomgyu.

The other squirmed and kicked, biting Taehyun's hand in the process. However, the other didn't flinch.

"Beomgyu, I'm sorry. I know it's not going to do anything, but please—... Just listen to me and I'll help you out of this," Taehyun said slowly, as the dragon in his arms started to calm down.


Meanwhile, Yeonjun hurried down the street, his feet pounding against the pavement. His phone clutched tightly in his hand and tears welling up in his eyes. He saw in the far distance Taehyun and Beomgyu, speaking with a couple of others.

"Beomgyu!" Yeonjun called, running over quickly and shoving the other too aside. He picked up the dragon, hugging him tightly. Beomgyu let out a small cry of happiness, Yeonjun holding him in his arms.

"What the heck are you doing all of the way out here? Are you hurt?" Yeonjun asked worriedly, shaking the dragon up. Beomgyu squirmed out of Yeonjun's grip, falling onto the pavement.

In another small flash of light, Beomgyu laid there on the pavement with his arms and legs outstretched. The boy sat up and brushed himself off.

"About time you showed up!" He exclaimed, "These guys are crazy! First your friend walked me down this street, then I got jumped, and now I almost thought I wasn't gonna see you again!"

Yeosang and San backed away from the three. Yeonjun looked over at Taehyun, helping Beomgyu up. He glanced over at San and Yeosang, pushing Beomgyu behind him.

"What the hell do you guys want?" Yeonjun growled, clenching his fists. San mumbled under his breath and nudged Yeosang. Quietly, the other reached for his pockets.

Yeonjun looked at the two, waiting for an answer when Taehyun stepped forward.

"This is my fault," Taehyun admitted quietly, "It was me who brought Beomgyu out here... I'm sorry Yeonjun."

Yeonjun turned around to face his friend, still panting from running earlier. He glared at his friend and huffed.

"You did what?" Yeonjun scowled, looking Taehyun in the eye.

"I brought him here. I'm sorry, I messed up," Taehyun said quietly, looking at the ground, "If you're mad, I get that. I'm sorry. It's my fault you're in this mess."

"Yeah okay, but why the hell would you do this?" Yeonjun growled, crossing his arms, "What did you even get out of this? What—... What's the point of doing this?"

"Yeonjun you don't understand—"

"What do you mean I don't understand?" Yeonjun chastised, "You were the one who got Beomgyu to leave the house? And for what? Just so you could get a a bit more money in your pockets?"

"Wh-What? No! I would never do it for the money!" Taehyun shot back, "Where the hell did you get that idea from?"

"At this point, I don't even know what to believe from you," Yeonjun scowled, grabbing Beomgyu's hand. Beomgyu frowned, looking at Yeonjun then at Taehyun. He looked at Yeosang and San, who were whispering to each other.

Beomgyu tilted his head curiously, then noticed something in the corner of his eye.

In Yeosang's hand, was the same steel dagger he'd seen before. Beomgyu's eyes widened, looking over at Yeonjun then back at the other two.


okay quick warning before the next chapter:

if you are not comfortable with reading blood/gore, please feel free to skip the next chapter if it makes you uncomfortable in any way. 

the blood/gore of the next chapter will be somewhat moderate, so if you are not comfortable reading about it,  its okay to skip it! 

please stay safe everyone! 

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