= 18: sealing the deal =

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"If I was sick," Beomgyu asked me that morning at breakfast, "Would you take me to a vet? Or a regular people doctor?"

He paused.

"Ooh! Or a pediatrician!"

I stared at him blankly, eating another bite of cereal.

"I would just take you to a regular doctor—" I replied, "If I took you to the vet, they'd probably look at me funny when I say I have a dragon but I bring in a whole person."

"Right but if I went to a regular people doctor," Beomgyu retorted, pointing at me with his spoon, "I would get weird looks too because I'm just different than the average person."

"I mean— you could also just turn back into a dragon and I take you to the vet," I scoffed, "The vet is a little more expensive though."

"I'd rather go to a people doctor," Beomgyu replied with a huff, "The vet sounds like a scary place."

"You know either that or I call Taehyun over, I'm sure he'd know what to do," I commented, leaning my elbows on the table.

"That's even worse, I'd rather take the vet."

I rolled my eyes, finishing my cereal and putting the empty bowl in the sink. Beomgyu did the same, rinsing out his bowl and setting it aside.

Instead of working the usual evening shift, I was scheduled to work around noon that day. After we cleaned up breakfast I put on my jacket and grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Alright, here's the deal," I said turning to Beomgyu, "I'm working a little earlier than usual.. But I'll just have you stay at home today."

Beomgyu tilted his head slightly and frowned.

"Why do I have to stay home?" He whined, "I wanna go with you!"

"Nope, not this time," I said firmly, "You're staying home this time, I promise I'll be back for the rest of the day, alright?"

Beomgyu pouted, looking at me.

"But who's going to walk home with you?" He asked softly.

"I'll walk by myself," I replied, "I'll be fine Gyu, you just stay home and wait for me, okay?"

"But Yeonjun—" He looked at me pleadingly.

I close my eyes.

"Nope. No, don't look at me like that," I said firmly, "You can find your own things to do at home."


"Nope. No."


I covered my ears.

"Nope. Shut up, you're not going to work with me."

"But Yeonjun~~"

I sighed out of frustration, and walked to the front door. I heard a small poof, and the sound of feet landing on the floor. Carefully, I lowered my hands off my ears and opened my eyes slightly.

Beomgyu had turned back into a dragon and was sitting there in front of me with puppy-dog eyes.

I groaned frustratingly.

"You're not going to work with me!" I hissed, and sighed, "Just— find something to do, okay? I promise I won't be gone long, or at least— it won't feel that long."

Beomgyu whined again, but I still didn't budge. I nudged him away from the door and quickly walked out, locking the door behind me.

I sighed deeply, walking down the street with my hands in my pockets. I felt a twinge of guilt for making him stay home— but I didn't exactly feel like taking him with me either.

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