= 12: curiosity & a new hat =

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The next evening, Beomgyu was happily playing with random utensils he found in the kitchen. While attempting to juggle spoons, he looked up at the clock, realizing it was the time Yeonjun was saying he needed to go to work.

Abruptly, Beomgyu stopped what he was doing and quickly ran over to the other, who was sleeping on the couch. Beomgyu threw the blanket aside, the other mumbling under his breath.

"Yeonjun wake up!! We're going to work!" Beomgyu yelled, shaking Yeonjun furiously. The other didn't budge, and still continued to sleep soundly.

Beomgyu yanked the pillow out from underneath Yeonjun's head, and started smacking him in the head with it.

"Wake up! WAKE UP! We'll be late!" Beomgyu shouted, Yeonjun completely ignoring the other's yelling.

"Five more minutes Beomgyu," Yeonjun groaned, reaching for the pillow that Beomgyu was hitting him with. Frustratingly, Beomgyu threw the pillow aside and leaning closer to Yeonjun's face.

"Hey Yeonjun, you know what I did while you were sleeping?" Beomgyu said, close to a whisper, and murmured in the other's ear, "I ate a whole box of crayons. Every single one of them. Every color, every shade. It tasted very good."

Immediately the other jolted awake and pushed Beomgyu off of the couch, an angry expression on his face.

"You did WHAT?" Yeonjun snapped, pushing Beomgyu away from him.

"Why the hell would you eat crayons you idiot!" Yeonjun exclaimed, "It's not like I don't feed you!"

Beomgyu laughed, rolling over on his side and clenching his stomach.

"I was just joking!" Beomgyu laughed, as Yeonjun started hitting him with a pillow.

"Ow! Ow! Yeonjun relax!" Beomgyu exclaimed, blocking the pillow with his hands, "It was just a prank! I was just joking! I had to get you to wake up somehow!"

Yeonjun threw the pillow at Beomgyu, knocking him over. Beomgyu calmed his laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. Yeonjun sighed in frustration, getting up from the couch and brushing himself off.

"Don't scare me like that next time!" Yeonjun scolded, fixing his hair, "And don't you dare actually eat crayons."

Still snickering, Beomgyu nodded and set the pillow back on the couch. Yeonjun grabbed his jacket and tossed Beomgyu his bucket hat. Beomgyu fit the hat on his head, and ran to the door to get his shoes on.

"Hey, can I get a new hat to switch off every now and then?" He asked sweetly, "Like a beret or something? Do you think I'd look good with a beret?"

"That would be cute, I'll see if I can find anything the next time we go shopping," Yeonjun replied, getting his shoes on, "For now, just try to keep that one on your head, alright?"

Beomgyu nodded, the two of them leaving. When they got to the tavern, Beomgyu was about to run off when Yeonjun grabbed his arm.

"Alright Gyu listen," He said firmly, and pointed off in the distance to an intersection in the far distance.

"You're not going past those traffic lights all the way over there, got it?" Yeonjun told him, "Just stay close to this area and don't go far, alright? You can cross the street if you want, just be careful. Just remember to come back in a few hours, got it?"

Beomgyu nodded, giving Yeonjun a reassuring thumbs-up. Relieved, Yeonjun let go of Beomgyu's arm.

"There's a little boutique across the street if you want to look at hats or something," Yeonjun added helpfully, pointing across the street to a small shop with a sign that was barely lit up like the others.

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