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Echoing criticism
With full meaning in them
You don't have to tell me it
The words stay written
On your lips
Why do I always remember the bad?
When there was more
To what we had
You make it harder to leave
I can't help these mixed feelings
You build me up
Then break me inside
You wipe away my tears
But you're the one
Who made me cry
You soothe the pain
That you inflicted
You tell me that you love me
But I'm not understanding it
You clothed me in a bloody shirt
Dressed in wounds
And I'm supposed to be grateful
For the hurt
You keep telling me
That it's my fault
If I were a better child
This wouldn't of happened at all
Sick of being tossed
In the dirt
For you to pick me up
Clean me off
Then ask me what I learned
Your lessons
Gave me a reason
To leave you behind
And you can't change my mind

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