Loud music can drown out all the sounds
Breaking things won't make the temperature go down
What are you waiting for?
Change the light bulb before it goes out
So you'll be able to find your way through the crowd
You're a perfect example of what not to become
Talking about a world where everybody needs someone
I'm completely fine with being alone
I will learn to make it on my own
You can angrily rant at each other
For as long as you want
But it's not fixing your problem
At the end of the day, it's still there
Intensifying immensely
Solve it quietly and don't cause a scene
In that moment
You're not fighting as lovers
You're fighting as enemies
Every word did not go unheard
Every tear did not go unseen
Why did you do this in front of me?
I want to cry for you
This is not a sight anyone should see
The shallow is feeling deep
You both walk the opposite way
Not speaking for days
Forgetting about why you found love in the first place
Working it out to get back to normal
You're afraid of saying the wrong thing
The correct words will come natural
You're trying your best
But it's worsening your fears
Soon you will realize here
That neither of you can be removed
There's no one else like you
You have a choice between two things
Either the metal key or the diamond ring
Whichever you decide
Choose carefully
You have a half of the others heart
Connected together, you're both complete
You can still save your fortune
You might lose a little
But less is better than nothing
There has to be a coherent reason
You've got more time
It's not the end of the season's
While hand in hand
Does it warm your skin
Or does it feel cold as it didn't do then?
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...