"Sunset On The Horizon"

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Standing still in line
I look ahead
No one sees me dry my eyes
My heart begins to disintegrate
There's anguish that I can't erase
It's an endless form of pain
I took all I could endure
With a smile
My emotions were obscured
My optimistic eyes once shined bright
Until they tried
To make me feel demoralized
Forget the world's advice
I don't need to compromise
I had my heart set
On what I wanted to find
Don't worry about what they say
They only want my heart to break
Sunset is what I dignify
Vivid shades bursting through the sky
Passion and clarity is lively
Colors fading off into the night
I'm left longing for sunrise
I told myself that I wouldn't cry
Hinting the truth in my lies
Trapped in my daydreams
So I would have to ignore my self esteem
Poison runs through their bloodstream
But I'll always have a home
I don't have to be alone
Wandering by the river skipping stones
Cheers to all my laughs
They just want what they don't have
I happen to have
Exactly what they're looking for
Don't fall into their trapdoor
Pushing myself to the limit
Don't wait until the last minute
Contravene the message
Fight for myself
Repair what they damaged
Searching for a reason why
Nobody's going to raise me up high
I've got to do it on my own
Cease their actions that I condone
Show them what I'm worth
Before I know it
They will soon learn
They were waiting to devour
What was left of my power
Mistreatment isn't what I signed
So far, I've had to build myself up twice
I'm tearing down inside
Not one glance
As everybody passes me by
Sparing me of their eyesight
Where the fire ignites
Happiness feels like a long time ago
Since I was knocked down below
They put out my glow
I was brilliant and rising
Until I started sinking
Like the sunset on the horizon

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