Get ready for a once over
No more looking closer
Skipping boring lines
We're wasting time
I'll take the worst nightmare over you any day
You are both the same
I was hoping that you were joking
Guesses were left unspoken
Anger is about to reach its peak
I'm glaring daggers at your direction
I've been friends with a maniac
They know who you are now
One by one, they each retract
You thought you were living the high life
Distracted by the golden lights
You were once a flower blooming in the sun
Now you're all dried out and perished without attention
You're making up excuses to save your reputation
No one's going to listen
Put your breathing on pause
No longer a queen
You take the position of a pawn
On the flip side, you understand us
Even though it doesn't change the bad stuff you've done
In the end, we have won
Your blood is on fire
Angry at the world
I've been there before
It's no use
I've tried to change things
All my effort got wasted
Yours will too
I was gone for a minute
You fell so fast
I didn't get to see it
I wonder how you'll be in the future
Will you get better or stay lonely forever?
I won't be there
I'll be making something of myself
You'll be stuck in the past
Wondering why you went down
Never moving on
And never seeing the sun
Now that you have got a taste
Count it as the last thing you ate
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...