There was a point in time
When I felt on top
The world was spinning
And it didn't stop
I can't say the same right now
My feet are resting
I came a long way from the start
It was the hourglass that ran out
It was the bright sun that chose to go down
And when the heat beamed
I was reminded of the passion
That once burned inside of me
It all looks wrong
I can't see where I'm going
Using my hand to guide myself against the wall
To lead me into the nothing
I'm at a dead end
There's no where to turn
An unfulfilled goal that abandoned hope
Well, maybe I did too
Accompanied by inspiration that I withdrew
And I'm on the edge
Content with what I did
When everyone and everything comes and goes
It is what it is
I pour my heart out only to get burned
Why do I keep assuming that you finally learned?
You still don't understand a fucking word
I was never meant to be here
It's become that clear
I won't stop crying on the bathroom floor
Listening to the pounding of the rain as it pours
Right there
I'll grow old
Then start to console
How does it feel
Knowing that your smile is real
There's something about you that I envy
As I feel real tears streaming
What was supposed to be tears of joy
For my future
That I have come to stop loving
All because I've been disheartened
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...