I stay restless
Your advice
I won't accept it
I'm not going crazy
I can't seem to close my eyes
There's always some sort of fight
Go on
Leave me behind
To break down inside
I'm alright
I promise I'm doing fine
But if I start acting differently
You'd see the real side of me
Talking to myself
I don't need help
The voices understand
Better than you can
Once you start to notice something
It's already too late for me
The numbness has already kicked in
I don't know when I'll start to feel again
I know you miss the old me
But that's who I've been all along
My facade just started crumbling
I know
It's hard to see me this way
It's hard to say
I'll be back another day
I'm starting to lose my mind
I can't keep up this lie
When I said I was doing fine
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...